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漏斗设计组。The Funnel Design Group.

一个玻璃漏斗架在采集罐上。A glass funnel is on top of that.

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检测烟囱百叶窗的闭合性。Inspect the closing of louver of funnel.

他用漏斗往瓶子里灌油。He used a funnel to fill the bottle with oil.

我需要一个漏斗把汽油灌进油箱。I need a funnel to pour petrol Into the tank.

通过杯状或漏斗状吹口吹奏的铜管乐器。The top of the funnel is connected to a tube.

烟筒应该安装在机舱顶棚上。Funnel shall be installed above the engine casing.

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机车从烟囱里把烟排放到大气中。An engine emits smoke from its funnel into the air.

他用一个漏斗把汽油灌进汽车。He poured the petrol into the car through a funnel.

用分液漏斗分出苯层。Separate the benzene layer with a separatory funnel.

总而言之,进入越来越狭窄的专业化轨道。In short, an ever-narrowing funnel of specialization.

龙卷风正好到达自助洗衣店。The funnel crowd dropped right there at the laundromat.

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同第一膄船体不一致之处是它的烟囱形状。It differs to the first hull in the shape of its funnel.

把你所有的精力集中在一下高强度的运动上会起作用。Funnel all of your energy into a high intensity work out.

漏斗云一旦接触到地面就会变成龙卷风。Funnel clouds become tornadoes once they touch the ground.

烧瓶送来时装在礼品盒里,同时还带了个漏斗,方便使用。The flask comes gift boxed and with a funnel for ease of use.

一个细细的漏斗云接近爱荷华州西北部的一块田地。A thin funnel cloud touches down in a field in northwest Iowa.

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我们使用倒漏斗图形对出版偏倚的报道进行评价。We used a funnel plot to evaluate reports for publication bias.

在一个大号漏斗里装满水,再放一片树叶做参照物。In a large funnel in filled with water, put a slice of leaf rate.

合适的山形确就能留住浓雾,或能把水滴注入进大峡谷。The correctly shaped hill can catch fog, or funnel drip into a canyon.