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今天有没有马头琴独奏?Is there a solo of that fiddle?

别搬弄枪栓。Don't fiddle with the rifle bolt.

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不要摆弄那架打字机了。Don't fiddle with the typewriter.

不要乱动我的录音机。Don't fiddle with my tape-recorder.

决不要浪费你的时间和精力。Never fiddle away your time and strength.

他试着用弓拉小提琴,但总是拉偏了。He tried to bow his fiddle but always missed.

他会玩弄他的袜子,并将其往上拉。He'll fiddle with his socks and pull them up.

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弯曲的前腿和提琴前腿都属于缺陷。Bandy legs and fiddle front are objectionable.

我不介意在这个组织里打下手。I don't mind playing second fiddle in this group.

那老者年近九旬,但身体十分硬朗。That old man is nearly ninety but fit as a fiddle.

那叫二胡,是一种用弓演奏的琴。Well, it's an erhu, a kind of fiddle played with a bow.

他不过是个管理员的儿子,他连小提琴都不会拉。But he was the super’s boy. He couldn’t even play the fiddle.

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于是我就想,为什么我们自己不能来操控地球的反照率呢。But why not fiddle with the earth's albedo myself, I thought.

爸爸把小提琴拿到话机旁,重重地拨弄了几下琴弦。Dad took the fiddle to the telephone and thumped the strings.

你没有能力像拉小提琴一样管理经济。You don’t have the ability to play the economy like a fiddle.

笔直指向前方,指向错误属于严重缺陷。Knuckling over, straight front, fiddle front are serious faults.

他们总是在奔波忙碌,没有闲情逸致去玩乐器或写诗词。They were too busy to play the fiddle or write pieces of poetry.

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每个提琴手都有一把提琴,都有非常好的提琴。Every fiddlers had a fiddle so fine and a very fine fiddler had he.

有缘无分的你我终究拗不过命运的拨弄。No points destined eventually fail to beat you and I fiddle with fate.

我们将率第3级为“可解,如果你摆弄它足够长的时间”。We would rate level 3 as "solvable if you fiddle with it long enough".