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谁是有责任的?Who is accountable?

让媒体负起责任.Hold the media accountable.

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我们都必须更加负责。We must all be more accountable.

这个女人是她的心腹,给斯丹恩买通了的。Woman , woman , thou are accountable for this.

但我们将要求巴基斯坦负更多的责任。But we have to hold them much more accountable.

业务管理“团队”的职责The business management “team” is accountable for

对于那些破坏该体系的人,必须追究其责任。Those who abuse the system must be held accountable.

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如果事情一旦查证属实,那他就是罪责难逃。If a thing once verified, that he is held accountable.

爆发许多屠杀案而又没有人承担责任。Massacres erupt without anyone being held accountable.

那些“中间”目标迫使我们负起责任。Those “in between” targets force us to be accountable.

人们称政府官员是吃皇粮的工作人员。Each government worker is accountable for his own work.

这是保证我对自己的计划负责任的一种好方法。It’s a great way to keep myself accountable to my plans.

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酒吧间服务员要对餐饮部经理负责。The bar steward are accountable to the beverage manager.

如果我们发现任何人做了这种事情,他们将会受到严肃查处。If we find anyone did this, they will be held accountable.

我们全力支持本准则并就遵守情况互相监督。We uphold this Code and hold each other accountable to it.

宗教领袖需要因他们的观点而被追究责任。Religious leaders need to be held accountable for their ideas.

以利户直言神无须向我们解释祂的作为。Elihu said plainly God is not accountable to us for His actions.

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该计划将是美国一项长期和追究效果的承诺。The initiative will be a long-term and accountable U.S. commitment.

你们互相对达到你们的目标和计划负有责任。Both of you will hold each other accountable to your goals and plans.

各级人民代表大会都由民主选举产生,对人民负责,受人民监督。They are held accountable for the people and supervised by the people.