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傅高义要讲述一个不朽的故事。But Vogel has a monumental story to tell.

哈德良对纪念物的建筑独具慧眼。He had a fine eye for monumental architecture.

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这是不朽的战争而吴把它传递出来了。It's a monumental undertaking and Woo delivers.

它的成功和失败都同样是史诗性的。A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure.

实际上是颠倒了纪念碑式雕塑。Literally turns monumental sculpture on its head.

然而,大跃进的一场令人刻骨铭心的失败。Yet the Great Leap Forward was a monumental failure.

这一历史性的V型双已调整扭矩运动。This monumental V-twin has been tuned for Torque sports.

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阿尔伯提是第一个使用上的巨大的拱形。Alberti was one of the first to use the arch on a monumental.

此书出版的年代,也是令其不朽的原因。There is also something monumental about the timing of the book.

少数人可之称为人类的“直墙”,更少的人则堪为人类的“纪念柱”。There are few human straight walls and fewer human monumental shafts.

这座纪念性建筑享有美丽的装饰艺术和Jugenstill风格的细节。The monumental building has beautiful Art deco and Jugendstil details.

这部著作不愧为中国新文化运动的丰碑。This book is a monumental work worthy of China's new cultural movement.

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奥巴马先生里脑海中想实现的程碑式的变化方案一刻都没有拖延。There was no hesitation in the monumental changes Mr. Obama had in mind.

在现实生活中,每项指标性的成就都可能被超越。It is a fact of life that every monumental work will likely be surpassed.

对我来说,这是一个值得纪念的时刻,因为这是我第一次见到冰山。It was a monumental moment for me as it was the first iceberg I have seen.

而通往神圣地窟的两个入口承袭了他们不变的形式。The two entrances to the holy grottoreceived their present monumental form.

我们所乘坐的大型巴士在小车群中左右变线超车。Our huge college bus careens around small cars as it heads to the monumental site.

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在中国兴建的长江三峡水坝将会是一项不朽的工程项目。The Changjiang River Sanxia Dam built in China will be a great monumental project.

马友友,国际最顶尖的大提琴演奏家之一,精彩演绎巴赫的传世经典。Yo-Yo Ma, one of the greatest cellists, in Bach's monumental works for solo cello.

它很像一个公园的2x3公里,其中有若干巨大的建筑物被待观察。It resembled a park of 2x3 km in which several monumental buildings were to be seen.