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凸耳不应该用来作为管道校准。Lugs should not be used to adjust misalignment in piping.
我相信,美国城市确实视此为激励措施制定不当。I think U.S. cities really saw this as a misalignment of incentives.
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在初始方位失准角为大角度情况下,研究了非线性对准方法。When the azimuth misalignment is large, the nonlinear alignment method is studied.
选用箱式密封是复杂的轴承箱,消除轴的不对正性能。Optional tank seal is intricate to the bearing housing, eliminating shaft misalignment.
两个手柄的比对运动后,其位移量不超过10毫米。The free angular movement or misalignment between the two levers shall not exceed 10mm.
这个方法将导致业务目标和所开发的服务间的不一致。This approach leads to misalignment between the business goals and the developed services.
研究了船舶十字焊接接头在不同位错精度下的力学性能。The mechanical performance of ship's cruciform joints in different misalignment is researched.
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毕竟,架构一直是克服复杂性、不一致和定向缺乏的方法。After all, architecture always has been the antidote to complexity, misalignment and lack of direction.
文中对于激光腔和环形谐振腔的模失配和失调问题也进行了讨论。We also discusses the error of misalignment and mismatch caused by the laser cavity and ring resonator.
本文通过计量分析方法研究人民币NDF与人民币汇率失调的关系。Based on econometrical method, this paper analyzes the relationship between NDF and misalignment of RMB.
压缩器光栅不平行度对色散影响的光线追迹法研究。Calculation of the dispersion with angular misalignment of grating pair compressor by ray-tracing method.
我们需要提高认识,清楚地看到所做的研究与需要做的工作存在着偏差。We need to increase awareness of the misalignment between the research that is done and what needs to be done.
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介绍了正支共焦腔准直和非工作态失调的计算机仿真。The simulation on alignment and misalignment of a positive branch confocal resonator is described in the paper.
他说,人口老龄化问题仅代表对商品需求的错位。He says the problems of an aging population represent only a mismatching or misalignment of the demand for goods.
建立了考虑低速干气密封端面各向同性粗糙度和静环静态角偏差的理论模型。A theory model considering the isotropy roughness and static stator angular misalignment of dry gas seal was given.
随着舰船摇摆频率和幅度的增大,失准角的估计精度会进一步得到提高。As the frequency and range of sway increase, the estimation accuracy of misalignment angles will be further improved.
例如,滚球轴承和滚珠轴承属于自行调整式,能调适轴心差和轴偏转。For example, ball and roller bearings can be of the self-aligning type to accommodate shaft misalignment and deflections.
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给出了等直径双圆筒透镜的中心偏对图象质量的影响。The influence of the misalignment of equi-diameter cylinder bipotential immersion electron lense on image quality are given.
人民币汇率错位自我修正能力较强,钉住“一篮子”货币能较好地反映人民币实际有效汇率的波动。RMB can modify misalignment by itself and pegging to a basket currency can reflect the fluctuation of REER of RMB preferably.
证明五面体双特征曲线网格方法可用来研究非定常流动条件下的推力偏心特性。The pentahedral bicharacteristic curve grid can be applied to investigate the thrust misalignment characteristics in a unsteady f.