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国王爱德华八世于1936年退位与一个平民结婚。in 1936 to marry a commoner.

他会用一个普通人的名字He would take the name of a commoner.

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英王爱德华八世放弃王位和一个平民女子结婚。King Edward Ⅷ abdicated to marry a commoner.

平民妇女很少出现在古代文学中。Commoner women rarely appear in literature of ancient times.

公主嫁给平民以后就变成一介平民了。The princess became a commoner after she married a commoner.

卡拉赞各BOSS掉落及其布衣职业需求分析。The BOSS karaoke Zan falling demand analysis and commoner career.

毕竟,已经有一个英国国王为一平民退位。After all, already one English king has abdicated for the sake of a commoner.

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赫勒拿是爱贝塔姆,但无可奈何,因为他是一个贵族,她一百姓。Helena is in love with Bertram, but hopelessly, since he is a nobleman and she a commoner.

凯尔特语的地名在西部比在东南部更普遍是很自然的。It is natural that Celtic place-names should be commoner in the west than in the southeast.

首先,一个俄国人怎么能娶一个拉脱维亚人,何况女方还是个平民How can you marry a Latvian to begin with, if you're a Russian and marry somebody who was a commoner?

因此,他很快的就恢复了平民的身份,能够在茶棚里,轻松愉快地与儿时同伴闲话家常。He restored to the status of a commoner and happily chatted with friends of childhood in the tea house.

较常见的采暖方式有电采暖和红外线采暖。There are a number of ways of heating, of which electric heating and infrared heating are commoner ones.

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作为英格兰平民步兵之精英,重装钩镰兵攻防俱臻佳境。The pinnacle of English commoner infantry, the Heavy Billman is equally comfortable in both attack and defence.

一名中年卓尔男性平民,外表平常,被锁链绑在一张沉重的石椅上。A drow male, a commoner of middle years and unremarkable appearance, sat bound with chains to a heavy stone chair.

瞧,迎面走来的是一位聪颖、性感、买杂货的非常普通的女性,然而,她却能够拯救威廉王子和整个皇室家族。Here comes the smart, sexy, grocery-buying, blessedly normal commoner who could save William—and the royal family.

她继续塑造了不少人物形象,从古代女将军到人民公社的社员。She went on to portray dozens of characters varying from an ancient woman general to a commoner in a people's commune.

她是个平民,只是因为一身野外生存的本领和她由于一些小麻烦而得来些许金子而引起了兰尼斯特的注意。She is a commoner and is primarily interested only in surviving the experience and gaining a little gold for her troubles.

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作为第一位以平民身份嫁入日本皇室的女子,美智子在日本成为优雅和智慧的象征。Michiko, who was the first commoner to marry into the royal family, became a national icon of gracefulness and intelligence.

当此情境,自己仿佛青衫布衣的古人,有念天地之悠悠之感。When this situation, as if their normal hit commoner of the ancients, there is a sense of leisurely read of Heaven and Earth.

更普遍的禁声面具是为了惩罚抱怨的女生的,这种面具没有嘴巴的开口。Far commoner were the muting masks that had no mouth openings and were used for punishment when a girl had too many complaints.