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这家机构认为公司拒招吸烟者的做法是一种“生活方式歧视”。The ACLU characterizes a company’s refusal to hire smokers as “lifestyle discrimination.

记得,ACLU这样的组织必须遵循公共知识分子的轨迹。Recall the public-knowledge trajectory an organization like the ACLU had to follow in the past.

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我应该指出,美国公民自由联盟的代表不赞同我对他们建议的理解。I should note that representative of the ACLU disagree with my interpretation of their suggestion.

美国公民自由联盟声称,新公开的政府记录“提供了更多中情局野蛮拷打在押人员的证据”。The ACLU said that the newly released government transcripts "provide further evidence of brutal torture" by the CIA.

一位警方发言人说警方也会定期审查其制定的政策,同时也会与美国公民自由协会时刻保持“公开的对话”。A police spokeswoman said the department regularly reviews its policies and maintains an "open dialogue" with the ACLU.

这个问题很严重,以至于最近ACLU进来创建了他们自己的Facebook测试来验证究竟可以泄漏多少信息。The problem is so bad that the ACLU recently created their own Facebook Quiz to demonstrate how much information an app has access to.

对一些州禁止未婚同居,美国公民自由协会认为这是这些州没有保持法令,因而对这些州提起上诉。The ACLU has filed suit in several states to challenge the few remaining statutes that prohibit unmarried couples from living together.

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美国公民自由联盟的律师基思-梅森说,禁止堕胎与各种生育控制方法,正是"人格地位"支持者一直坚守的想法。ACLU attorney Kolbi-Molinas says that banning forms of birth control along with abortion is exactly what the personhood backers have in mind.

而且,如果你想找到一份不错的实习生工作描述和招聘办法,你可以参考出自北加利福尼亚州美国公民自由协会的帖子。And, if you want steal a great job description for an intern and recruitment method, check this post out from the ACLU of Northern California.

今年十一月,密西西比州的选民也许可以对州宪法的"人格定义修正案"进行投票表决,虽然美国公民自由联盟目前正在法院里为包含这项议题而激辩。"Voters in Mississippi could vote on a personhood amendment to their state Constitution this November, although the ACLU is challenging that initiative in court.

美国民众自由协会告知国会,在最近的一个案例中FBI为了寻找一名嫌犯的数据,不惜撒网筛选了180位民众的数据。The ACLU recently told Congress of a case in which, while looking for data on a suspect, the FBI apparently used a dragnet approach and took data on another 180 people.

“我们的城市应当改变其管理方式,我们要在最终醒悟再也无法忍受每个人都需要在政府的电子眼监控下进出书店或是诊所之前就应当有所行动”美国公民自由协会指出。"Our city needs to change course, before we awake to find that we cannot walk into a book store or a doctor's office free from the government's watchful eye, " the ACLU said.

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美国公民自由联盟反驳说,这些照片应该被公开,因为他们提供视觉证据证明虐囚的美军普遍存在,五角大楼并不认同。The ACLU retorts that the photos should be made public because they "provide visual proof that prisoner abuse by US personnel was not aberrational but widespread. " The Pentagon disagrees.

“这些构成了看得见的证据,不像布什政府声称的虐囚事件只限于阿布格莱布监狱,并且这个判断没有偏差。”美国公民自由联盟的律师阿姆雷特·升如是说。"This will constitute visual proof that, unlike the Bush administration's claim, the abuse was not confined to Abu Ghraib and was not aberrational, " said Amrit Singh, a lawyer for the ACLU.

曾经为萨缪尔斯夫人ACLU的庭审中制作地图的俄亥俄州哥伦布市科万种族学研究所,制作了一张关于几个美国城市的“机会地图”。The Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in Columbus, Ohio, which created the maps used in Ms Samuel’s ACLU court case, has made “opportunity” maps of several American cities.