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下主日李席舟长老将传讲信息请代祷。Elder Lee will be preaching next week.

很快他开始传道和施洗。Soon he began preaching and baptizing.

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下主日邹镇民弟兄将传讲信息请代祷。Brother Zou will be preaching next week.

他真的是要反对圣所吗?Was he really preaching against the temple?

但尽管退走,最终却更多地布道。But when he withdraws he ends up preaching more.

他言行不一。His practice does not consort with his preaching.

他就常在犹太的各会堂中宣讲。And he was preaching in the synagogues of Galilee.

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比力格雷厄姆来自救世主福音的讲道法中。Billy Graham comes in preaching the gospel of Christ.

对于一位忙着传教的人,他已经是一流的了。If one is busy in preaching work that is first-class.

如果您愿意,我会在感化院宣讲。If you please, I should like to commute the preaching.

人们都到麦仓那边听人讲道去了。They be all gone to hear the preaching in yonder barn.

多谢黄志强牧师于今主日在本会证道。We thank Rev. Tim Wong's preaching at our church today.

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我们是否经常为自己的牧者、同工和福音得以广传祷告呢?Are we praying enough for the preacher and the preaching?

老师不断地宣讲学习的重要性。The teacher kept preaching about the importance of study.

一盎司的实际行动远胜过一吨的说教。An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.

约拿传道的情况也实在难乎其难。Jonah preaching situation, there is hardly even difficult.

这个牧师正在给我们讲基督教道义。The priest is preaching the doctrine of Christianity for us.

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每次喝醉,他就开始他那令人讨厌的说教。Everytime he gets drunk,he goes into lousy preaching routine.

小征服者若不兼并被征服者,最终总会被别人征服。I would not listen to a conqueror preaching to the conquered.

他知道不教导上帝的话,反随己意教导是多么地危险。He knew the danger of preaching his own ideas rather than God's.