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如果旅行,您是喜欢自助游还是跟团游?Do you prefer DIY tour or package tour?

膳宿费一天要多少?How much is boarding and lodging a diy?

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科学家教你薅兔DIY个性蓝牙耳机!Scientist tell you how to DIY bluetooth device!

现在的想法是从硬逍遥游,以软逍遥游。Now the idea is to move from hard DIY to soft DIY.

跟迈克的笔记本支架一样拥有一件独一无二的DIY作品。Have a unique in-car DIY hack like Mike's laptop stand?

网络远程虚拟实验室是一个自主学习、自由交流的中心。This network virtual lab is non-control and DIY centre.

可DIY成胸章,让平淡的上衣变得不平凡!Can be DIY as a Chest Pin to color up your plain clothes!

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自助浮木需要时间,但它将为您节省吨的钱。DIY driftwood takes time, but it will save you tons of money.

这便是DIY汽车维修的明天,还需要更多证明么?Need more proof that this is the future of DIY car maintenance?

这厨房自己做的替换,倒不如说我们解集的酒馆儿。The Is Kitchens Diy Replace, Or Rather Our Solution Set A Tavern.

这就是为什么我们觉得这赫然简单的自助血型检测试剂盒。That's why we found this awesomely simple DIY Blood Type Test Kit.

从植物,衬里,撇油器,过滤器,自己动手做工具包,灯光,藻类泵。Of plants, lines, pump, filters, skimmer DIY kit, lights, and algae.

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街头拍客DIY个性饰品,暴利成为可能!Street Photographer DIY Personalized Jewelry, Huge Profits Possible!

现在,咱们就来学习如何动手DIY这款清爽温柔的盘发吧。Now, we come to learn how to DIY this hands-tender offer made it refreshing.

这是目前为止最简单的灯泡DIY用法,同时也是最有魅力的之一。By far the easiest DIY use of lightbulbs, it’s also one of the most stunning.

您的户外,草地,庭院,或池吊索家具可完全康复…为您的庭院家具维修需要。All of the above picture of patio furniture to our customers for DIY recovery.

像许多DIY飞行家一样,田宇最初也是制造模型飞机。Tian, like many other DIY aviators, started out manufacturing model airplanes.

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有关专家从一帧钉枪电动工具在此免费学习自己动手做视频。Learn about the framing nailer from a power tools expert in this free DIY video.

不织布DIY基础缝纫教程——锁边缝中途结线和完成结线。Non-woven DIY Sewing Tutorial, End on half way and End sewing of Blanket Stitch.

分析人士发现,在过去两年中,两百万的英国人不再自己动手搞家装。Analysts found that two million of us have abandoned DIY over the past two years.