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一套红围巾就可以让所有的衣服亮起来。A red bandana brightens nearly any wardrobe.

他觉得他头上戴了条印花头巾就是个痞子样了。He thinks he's bad-ass because he wears a bandana.

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我经常把它放在我的屁股口袋里。This bandana usually goes in my back pants pocket.

“永远”,一个用头巾裹住脸的女孩说。“Forever,” says one girl with a bandana over her face.

阿头巾是好的头部保护,是一个有益的项目各地有。A bandana is good head protection and is an all around useful item to have.

我揭开小灯泡上的红色大方巾然后我们斟了酒并一起围坐着聊天。I turned on the little red bandana dimbulb and we poured wine and all sat around talking.

明亮的橘红色手帕可以用来施放信号,但它的功用不仅仅只是这些。Obivously the bright orange bandana can be used to signal but bandanas also have many other uses.

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脖子上的大手帕围巾可以拉起盖住嘴和鼻孔以防灰尘进入。The bandana handkerchief tied around the neck could be lifted to cover mouth and nostrils from dust.

他的风格和奥巴马总统大不一样,他剃光了头,戴着红手帕,左耳朵上还戴着金耳坠。With his shaven head, red bandana and a gold stud in his left ear, his style is very different from President Obama's.

此时,他抛弃了一直佩戴的首领的头带,正式接受了因杀害她而赢得的称号。At this point, he throws away that TheBoss' bandana he still wore and officially accepts the title he earned forkillingher.

我戴过许多不同类型的盖头,从花色丝质手帕型盖头到带面纱的长型宽松的长袍盖头,种类繁多各式各样。I have worn many different styles from bandana coverage all the way to a full khimar, which is a very loose and long head-covering, with a face veil.

他那为人熟悉的帆布背包随着已洗涤干净的炊事用具全恰好紧密叠放在一起,全用蓝色大方巾结系包放好。In the corner was his famous rucksack with cleaned-up pots and pans all fitting into one another in a com pact unit and all tied and put away inside a knotted-up blue bandana.

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在这节课里,孩子们将学习美国国旗的颜色以及星条所代表的含义,他们将亲自用大手帕制作星条旗并带回家。In this lesson, the children will learn the colors of the American flag and what the Stars and Stripes represent. They will then make their own American Flag Bandana to take home.

呼吸是另一种失去身体的热量,所以,如果你没有戴巴拉克拉瓦,折叠成一个三角形的头巾,并配合以适合你的鼻子和嘴就像在老西部片的劫匪。Respiration is another way to lose body heat, so if you're not wearing a balaclava, fold a bandana into a triangle and tie it to fit over your nose and mouth—just like the robbers in the old Westerns.