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接下来就是避孕问题了。Then there is the contraception issue.

梵蒂冈反对堕胎和人工避孕。The Vatican opposes abortion and artificial contraception.

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但这里的索马里没有现代节育手术。But modern contraception doesn't exist in this part of Somaliland.

法律允许医生给16岁以下未成年人开避孕药。The law allows doctors to prescribe contraception to the under 16s.

学习一下如何与你十几岁的孩子讨论禁欲与避孕的问题。Find out how to talk to your teen about abstinence and contraception.

那儿没有什么关于避孕的条款,也没有什么强制性的暗示。Provision of contraception is free, but there is no hint of compulsion.

在健康问题之下,你可能会想要加上避孕和不育。Under health issues, you may want to add contraception and infertility.

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一项英国调查显示关于避孕法的传说可能会被广泛传播。UK survey has revealed that myths about contraception may be widespread.

但是挽救她生命的最简单办法也需是节育。Yet maybe the simplest way to save her life would have been contraception.

朱利安·墨菲将避孕与厨具的概念结合在一起,其作品展现了一物双关的效果。Julian Murphy combines contraception and kitchenware for the sake of a pun.

是否能同时一次服用多种避孕药来作为紧急避孕?Can you use several birth control pills at once for emergency contraception?

有副作用,但不显著,采取避孕丸。There are side-effects, though not significant, to take contraception pills.

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他的报告建议年龄较大的妇女要考虑用其他种类的避孕法。His report suggests that older women might consider other forms of contraception.

医生或护士也能在避孕和防护措施方面出些点子。A doctor or nurse can also explain different methods of contraception and protection.

在非洲西部国家,避孕的进展令人沮丧、相当缓慢。In western Africa, progress towards adoption of contraception has been dismally slow.

宫内节育器曼月乐是这个年龄的女人避孕的最佳选择。Mirena, the progestogen coil, is the Rolls-Royce of contraception for women this age.

一些人认为宣扬避孕就是宣扬婚前性行为。Some people think that promoting contraception promotes premarital sex. Invoke Mr. T!

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皮下避孕埋植剂是一种缓慢释放药物的装置。Subcutaneous implant for the contraception is a device with sustained release property.

因此避孕是明智的,但是简单的避孕套会无效。A form of contraception is therefore advisable, but a simple condom will be ineffective.

康乐宝的出现使得避孕越来越成为一个轻松话题。Contraception now is a easy topic. The appearance of Kanropo make contracept a relax topic.