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马克思从不放过任何谴责殖民主义的机会。Marx never lost an opportunity to castigate colonialism.

指定替罪羔羊,煽动其他人鞭挞他们。Identifying scapegoats and inciting others to castigate them.

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她找不出充分的理由非难自己。She could not find sufficit reproaches with which to castigate herself.

不要谴责给予你生命的真正的那一个,生命是没有止境的。Do not castigate the very One that gave you life for life is not ending.

为什么你谴责性,把性和生活的空虚联系起来?Why do you castigate sex by linking it up with the emptiness of our lives?

勘查与取证是打击计算机犯罪的第一步。Reconnoitring and collecting evidence is the first step to castigate such crime.

“我不想变成那种批评年轻人沟通方式的老人,”她说。“I don’t want to be one of those elders who castigate young people's form of communication, ” she said.

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首先,那些斥责奥巴马总统“妖化”保险公司的人需要认真考虑这个例子。For one thing, it'san example those who castigate President Obamafor "demonizing"insurance companies should consider.

许多人除诟病高考自身弊端外,还情绪化地将诸多与高考无关的教育和社会弊端也“追根溯源”到其处,高考因此承受着不公正对待。Many people castigate these abuses, and some even go so far as to impute many educational and social abuses to the examination.

在周五的祷告中,阿亚图拉们痛斥所谓“西方势力”对伊朗事务的干涉,并谴责美国的恶行。At Friday prayers, ayatollahs rail against the supposed influence of the West in Iran's affairs and castigate America for its evil deeds.

中国的年轻人们总喜欢抓住一切机会指责日本人,因为他们总是觉得日本人并没有为他们在二战中对中国犯下的罪行充分地道歉。Young Chinese often seize any opportunity to castigate the Japanese, whom they see as insufficiently contrite for the atrocities of the second world war.

但在火灾发生之际,梅德韦杰夫却正在黑海的消夏别墅度假,后来才返回莫斯科。Medvedev, by contrast, was at his summer residence by the Black Sea in Sochi while forests burned, then returned to Moscow to castigate officials at the Kremlin.

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而到了那时,举国愤怒,那些原先不断指责大臣们没有节约意识的人,就会上下一致要求开大费用的龙头。Then there is an outburst of national outrage among those who usually castigate ministers for their lack of frugality demanding that the spending taps be turned on.

但是,东京审判的重要之处主要不在于确定某些被告人有罪无罪,而是伸张正义、鞭挞战争犯罪和呼吁世界和平。However, the Tokyo Trial of major importance not Certain to determine the guilt of the accused is not guilty, but justice, war crimes and appealed to castigate world peace.

当他们申斥上海一家英文报纸发表长江内有水雷的“谣言”时,他们是在使用政权的力量反对个人权利。When they castigate an English-language newspaper in Shanghai for publishing "rumors" about mines in the Yangtze River, they are asserting the rights of power against the individual right.

"这是华尔街公司抢地盘的典型情形.先为问题造势,指责某人是无赖,然后名正言顺的监管那些人,因为他们夺走了自己的利益,"他说道."This is a classic Wall Street land grab. You create an acronym, you basically castigate somebody as villainous and then you regulate them because they're taking somebody's profits away," he said.

当双方在合作上不能达成一致,我不认为其他的局外人有权以此为由来偏袒其中任一方,并且公开指出另一方的不对。When two organizations fail to come to agreement to join forces, I don't believe that gives license for anyone, outside either organization, to take sides and publically castigate one of the parties.