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他的目的是高尚的,值得称赞的。His aim is honorable and praiseworthy.

他的道德品质和性情值得称道。His moral character and habits are praiseworthy.

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从这两点来说她是值得称赞的。Considering these two points, she is praiseworthy.

他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的。His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy.

我们得到的教导是,靠自己才对,才值得赞扬。We have been taught that self-reliance is good and praiseworthy.

在计算机智能方面重大而可嘉的提高。A significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence.

即社会觉得最可嘉,最值得敬重的政体?What a society finds most praiseworthy what it looks up to okay?

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他们为解决边界争端所做的努力是值得赞扬的。Their effort toward the settlement of the horder dispute is praiseworthy.

您要在日常生活中身体力行我的佛法教示的想法是很值得称许的。Your ideas of carrying on my Dharma teachings in daily life is most praiseworthy.

悲伤的新闻。中国政府发起的救援行动是值得称赞的。Sadnews indeed. The rescue operation launched by the Chinese govt. is praiseworthy.

1557年嘉靖三十六年,葡人开始在澳门定居。For 1557 years praiseworthy Jing 36 years, Pu person beginning in Macau settle down.

现在我的中文不值一提,这也就是为什么我用英文写这篇文章的原因。Right now my Chinese is not praiseworthy , that is why I am writing this article in English.

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贵网站把这篇文章发出来还是值得表扬的,这才是真正的对话。It is truly praiseworthy that your website has published this article. Now this is a real dialogue.

要将耶和华的美德和他的能力,并他奇妙的作为,述说给后代听。we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord , his power, and the wonders he has done.

他们在任职期间为改善伊人道主义局势作出了值得称道的积极努力。They have made positive and praiseworthy efforts while in office to improve the humanitarian situations in Iraq.

此举值得赞许,但美中不足的是西方国家现在卖往东方的香烟达到空前的数量。This is praiseworthy except that Western countries are now selling cigarettes in the East in greater numbers than ever.

难能可贵的是,虽然餐厅创意足够噱头,但菜品却是扎扎实实地好。What is praiseworthy is, although the creativity of the restaurant is tricky enough, the dishes are solidly well-served.

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但是,最引人注目、最可颂扬且举世无双的特性还要数你宽宏大量的公民观。But the most notable and praiseworthy feature of all, a thing unparalleled, is your magnanimous conception of citizenship.

在诗篇中,可能没有别的诗像今天读的这六首一样,那麽生动的描绘出上帝值得赞美的属性。Perhaps no other six psalms in the Psalter picture God's praiseworthy character as graphically as the ones in today's reading.

葡萄牙人在1535年中国明朝嘉靖十四年,取得在澳门停靠码头,进行贸易的便利。Portuguese in the Chinese clear dynasty of 1535 years praiseworthy Jing 14 years, obtain in Macau berth pier, carry out trade convenient.