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产品已经广泛被应用在糖类,饮料类食品中。It has been used in candy, drinks and beer brewage.

大家和我一起酿造甜蜜的生活,大家和我一起共享芬芳的思想。I wish everybody could brewage the treacly living and enjoy the redolent idea with me.

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王朝闻先生为永兴诚酿造有限公司责任公司欣然提笔,赞誉之情跃然于字。Mr. Wang Zhaowen wrote calligraphy for Yongxingcheng Brewage Co. , Ltd. with great praise.

酿造有限责任公司位于四川省合江县城,是一家具有一百多年历史的专业调味品生产企业。Located in Hejiang County in Sichuan Province and occupying an area of more than 20 acres, Yongxing-cheng Brewage Co.

研究目的选育能利用酒精和啤酒废水且蛋白质含量高的优良丝状真菌。Objective To isolate the better mycelial fungi for utilizing waste water of alcohol and brewage and fbr get a high content of protein.

酿造此酒之人深知其美妙所在,而饮过此酒之人往往不去细心体会,一饮而尽。People who brewage it know that is in it well, while the ones who taste it always fail to watch it carefully, and drink it off at once.

本文以惠泉啤酒集团筒仓工程为例,详细介绍了群体滑模施工工艺。By the construction in silo of Huiquan Brewage Group Inc. , this article detailed introduces the construction technique of the sliding form uniformly.

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佳得美是上美度区的列级名庄,与众多列级名庄一样,拥有非常悠久的历史,自1147年起,这里便开始了葡萄的种植与葡萄酒的酿造。Chateau Cantemerle is located on the Haut- Medoc region. As many Grand Cru, it has a long history, started planting and brewage of vineyard from 1147.

彼等并还将长竿插于地中,令蛇缠于竿上,并在蛇鳞中酿出蜂蜜酒般之饮料。And they teach the serpents there to entwine themselves up on long sticks out of the ground and of the scales of these serpents they brew out a brewage like to mead.

龙船节是苗族人民最盛大的节日。节日期间,家家户户酿米酒,包粽子,走亲访友,宴请宾朋。Dragon boat festival is the grandest festival of the Miao nationality. During the festival, every family will brewage rice wine, make glutinous rice dumpling, drop around and feast.

产品材质有SUS304、316、316L,适用于化工、石油、冶金、电力、造纸、淀粉生产、食品饮料、制药、酿造等行业。The pump's material can divide into SUS304,316,316L. It can be applied in chemical industry, petroleum, metallurgy, power station, paper-making, farina, food, beverage, brewage trades ect.