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我们想去帕罗乌玛酒店用晚餐。We want to have dinner in Uma Paro.

小悼念一个伟大的乐队。Uma pequena homenagem a uma grande banda.

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不愿意很快便成为过眼烟云,乌玛离开美国来到了英国。Choosing to become more than just a passing fad, Uma left for England.

中国制造”这个标签对于某些人来说,其言外之意让人不敢恭维,设计师王汁希望能改变这种状况。Though 'Made in China' has unflattering connotations for some, Uma Wang hopes to change that.

评委主持人将由罗伯特德尼罗,乌玛·瑟曼和裘德洛担任。The jury is presided over by Robert de Niro, with colleagues including Uma Thurman and Jude Law.

乌玛在拍片间歇与伊森·霍克喜结连理,并迎来了婴儿马亚·雷的降生。Uma went on a brief hiatus to marry co-star Ethan Hawke and welcome their baby Maya Ray to the world.

的确,像詹妮弗·安妮斯顿和乌玛·瑟曼这样的名人总是穿戴得时髦雅致,她们购置服饰也从不用精打细算,只要看看他们手指尖的最新装扮就知道了!Sure, celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Uma Thurman always look chic and stylish -- they also have

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乌玛·瑟曼饰演的曼哈顿人的范德格拉夫心烦意乱的一天——不顾孩子们,却发表了博客。Uma Thurman's stressed Manhattanite has a Van der Graaf hair day, ignores her children and taps out a blog.

乌玛·瑟曼饰演的曼哈顿人的范德格拉夫心烦意乱的一天——不顾孩子们,却发表了博客。Uma Thurman’s stressed Manhattanite has a Van der Graaf hair day, ignores her children and taps out a blog.

众所周知,银幕之下的他情迷于漂亮迷人的女人,比如乌玛·瑟曼,薇诺娜·瑞德,伊萨贝拉·罗塞里尼。Off screen he has famously seduced beautiful women such as Uma Thurman, Winona Ryder and Isabella Rossellini.

该图片显示了电影的明星罗伯特帕丁森,获得强大的近距离和与联合主演乌玛瑟曼个人。The pic shows the film's star, Robert Pattinson, getting mighty up-close-and-personal with co-star Uma Thurman.

重点介绍了在传统UMA多核处理器基础上进行改进的共享内存模块设计。The design of a novel shared memory is emphasized which is based on the traditional UMA multi-core architecture.

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一名宣称是其追随者的男子通过她的助手传递了这张卡片。Uma Thurman testified she was completely freaked out by a card her alleged stalker gave her through her assistant.

乌玛开始了自己的表演生涯,先是扮演了一个吸血鬼,接着演了一系列性感的电影角色。As a vampire, Uma was on the verge of beginning her career, and what has been referred to as a string of sexual film roles.

但很快乌玛就脱下了刷盘子的手套拿起了剧本,她终于迎来了自己第一个电影角色。It didn't take long for Uma to trade in her dishwashing gloves for scripts, as she finally landed her first feature film role.

现全线销售机械传动行业国际化品牌UMA轴承,面向中国大陆地区,征询加盟代理。Sales are all mechanical transmission industry UMA bearing international brands, and the Chinese mainland to seek joining agent.

这是在说,他并不介意你改变下造型,比如乌玛·瑟曼在低俗小说里的造型,或者甚至你们来个私人的变装派对。That said, he wouldn't be averse to you showing up in an Uma Thurman "Pulp Fiction" wig, or even suggesting a private costume party for two.

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乌马哈诺夫在会见沙班后向新闻界表示,叙利亚人民应当自己决定自身命运并作出决定。Uma Hanuo Fu classes in the sand to the press after the meeting said that the Syrian people should decide their own destiny and make a decision.

海伦设计了一套极其精美的饰品,但因为有乌马帮忙,她得以按时完成。Helen had designed an extremely elaborate set of accessories, but with Uma to facilitate the implementation she was able to complete them on time.

按照这一UMA方案,在RMC中方法内容被表示为由定义了开发技能的角色创建和对于工作产品的职责。Following this UMA schema, method content is represented in RMC as a construct of roles defining development skills and responsibilities for work products.