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第五个外显子编码跨膜结构域。The fifth exon codes for the transmembrane domain.

CD36是一种跨膜糖蛋白,可与多种配基相结合,它在体内的分布广泛。CD36 is a transmembrane glycoprotein and can combine with a variety of ligands.

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该蛋白存在一种跨膜螺旋结构和线粒体运输肽结构。A transmembrane helical structure and a mitochondria transportation structure were also found.

高频驱动期间和驱动停止后,优势起搏细胞跨膜电位幅度减小。The amplitude of the transmembrane potential was reduced during and after high frequency drive.

近年来的众多研究表明,TLR4作为跨膜受体与呼吸系统的多种疾病有着密切的联系。In recent years, TLR4 as a transmembrane receptor has concernd with respiratory system diseases.

CD147是高度糖基化的跨膜糖蛋白,属于免疫球蛋白超家族的成员。CD147 is a highly glycosylated transmembrane protein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily.

蛋白偶联信号传导系统是一类重要的细胞跨膜信号传导途径之一。G protein coupled signal transduction system is one major transmembrane signaling pathways in cell.

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在推导的氨基酸序列中,存在两个跨膜区,但没有潜在的N-联糖基化位点。There were two transmembrane regions but no N-glycosylation sites in the deduced amino acid sequence.

不同装填分率下溶剂跨膜通量都随着洗脱液流速的升高而增大。Transmembrane flux increased as flow velocity of stripping agent increased at different packing density.

NOL虽然没有跨膜结构域但也定位在靠近基质一端的类囊体膜上。NOL was localized on the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane despite the lack of a transmembrane domain.

胞外域结合神经递质。跨膜域形成离子通道。It is the extracellular domain that binds neurotransmitters . The transmembrane domain forms an ion channel.

1985年以来,作者使用博士—851软件系统对在位心肌细胞跨膜电位进行了实时分析。We have employed Doctor—851 software system since 1985 in analysing the transmembrane potential of myocardial cells.

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基因组计划所产生的大量蛋白质序列迫切需要从理论上预测跨膜区。The increasing protein sequences from the genome project require theoretical methods to predict transmembrane regions.

CD36是一种跨膜糖蛋白,可与多种配基相结合,它在体内的分布广泛。CD36 is a transmembrane glycoprotein and can combine with a variety of ligands. It is extensively found in many tissues.

应用液体和固体核磁共振技术已经成功测定了跨膜蛋白质的结构。Solution and solid-state NMR techniques has been successfully used for determining structures of transmembrane proteins.

为观察迷走和交感神经对蟾蜍心室肌细胞跨膜电位的影响,以微电极技术引导心室肌细胞电位。The effects of vagal and sympathetic nerves on the transmembrane potentials of cardiac ventricular cells of toad were observed.

CD44的是一种广泛分布I型跨膜糖蛋白其在大多数细胞类型中的主要功能作为透明质酸受体。CD44 is a widely distributed type I transmembrane glycoprotein and functions as the major hyaluronan receptor on most cell types.

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本研究分析广州地区来源鼻咽癌组织的LMP2基因跨膜区的CTL表位序列,为设计以LMP2抗原为靶点的鼻咽癌免疫治疗提供依据。This study was to analyze the sequence of CTL epitopes in the transmembrane region of LMP2 to optimize LMP2-targeted immunotherapy.

对于超滤量少的患者,可在适当补充液体的同时增加超滤量,以提高跨膜压,防止反超。For those with less ultrafiltration, fluid as well as ultrafiltration should be supplemented to increase the transmembrane pressure.

在左心室条束可记录到心室肌细胞、浦肯野纤维和移行细胞的跨膜静息电位和动作电位。In the left ventricular band, transmembrane potentials of the ventricular myocardial, purkinje and transitional fiber were recorded.