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麋鹿站起来的时候,防水布从它身上滑落。When the elk got up, the tarp slid off.

我第一次使用篷布的时候它给我留下了深刻的印象。When I first used a tarp I was quite impressed.

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对于TARP受助者来说,还有一些其他疑云.There are other clouds for TARP recipients as well.

我在那堆柴火上面盖了一块防水布以让其保持干燥。I tied a tarp over the stack of firewood to keep it dry.

投手丘上盖有防水布,但是我走上投手丘坐在那里。There was a tarp on the mound, but I went out there to sit anyway.

在边缘的森林,背后的沙丘,我设立了我的小篷布。At the edge of the forest, behind the dunes, I set up my small tarp.

从远处看,它看起来像一个军舰上堆得很高的蓝色篷布。From afar it looked like a blue tarp with the man-of-wars piled so high.

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的确,TARP并不能解决导致贷款陷入停滞的部分问题。Indeed, TARP doesn't address some of the reasons why lending has stalled.

或是用塑胶布盖住冰块使冰块可以不要这麽快溶化。Or they use plastic tarp to cover the ice so it does not melt so quickly.

指示牌喷在一块黑色大篷布上,以大银字镶嵌。The sign has been spray-painted on a large black tarp in big silver letters.

他转身面对着一个被东西盖着的吊灯,它是用油布盖着的。he turns to a chandelier which is draped in a covering. It's draped in a tarp.

如果是捏篷布之间的岩石和该船的框架,它可以被刺穿。If the tarp is pinched between rocks and the boat's frame, it can be punctured.

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凡是有空地的地方都有大的场馆,在这里你可以铺开防水布。Pool halls are set up wherever there’s open space that you can set a tarp over.

我用一块防水布盖住了麋鹿,然后用毯子把自己裹起来,坐在它旁边。I covered the elk with a tarp and sat down near it, wrapping myself in blankets.

篷布挂在栅栏上,圈起一块废弃陈旧的场地。The tarp hangs from a barbwire fence which surrounds an abandoned, old compound.

防水油布是被用来做成保护性遮盖物的一种的防水的材料。A tarp is a sheet of heavy waterproof material that is used as a protective cover.

当他说这些话的时候,助手就把油布掀开了,然后就看到吊灯那里有火星飞出来。And when he says that, his workers pull off the tarp and sparks fly from the chandelier.

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最初,据说泡尔桑支持花TARP的钱全部买下有问题的资产。Initially, Paulson was reportedly in favor of spending TARP money to buy up troubled assets.

上个月在国会通过的一项被称为“问题资产救助项目”的计划,也叫做TARP。The plan passed by Congress last month is called the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP.

不过,财政部的数据显示,利用TARP资金的银行数量已降至微不足道的水平。Yet Treasury figures show the number of banks taking TARP capital has dwindled to a trickle.