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她的后脚不断溅起泥浆。Her feet sent back a continual spatter of mud.

焊接过程稳定,焊接飞溅小。Stability welding process, welding spatter small.

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当汽车急驰而过时,它将烂泥溅在我衣服上。As the car race past, it spatter mud on my clothes.

之后,复制并粘贴喷溅图片到主合成中。After that, copy and paste the spatter in your main file.

飞溅形式为大颗粒偏飞和小颗粒飞溅。The spatter forms include big and small droplet spatters.

糖浆会结块并且飞溅起来,这通常让人恼火。It may seize up and spatter and generally be disagreeable.

除去焊接飞溅并处理焊缝、毛刺使其光顺。Remove weld spatter and smooth weld seams and sharp edges.

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所以,我选择了“飞溅24像素”和刷子像这样的期待。So I chose "Spatter 24 pixels" and brushes looking like this one.

基于污点算法,可以很好的处理溅污或有云纹的图像。Based on blot algorithm and works well with spatter or cloudy image.

“不要弄脏了玛丽亚·亨里霍夫娜的衣裳。”几个声音一齐答道。"Mind you don't spatter Marya Hendrihovna's dress, " chimed in voices.

她最后看了一眼,许愿树上,她的鲜血溅得哪儿都是。She looked at finally, make a vow tree, blood of her spatter everywhere.

电弧稳定,飞溅较少和熔透深,可确保焊接质量良好。Stable arc, less spatter and deep penetration can ensure welding quality well.

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他可是天天被那些言官们骂得狗血淋头的。He is every day drive those speech the officers scold the dog blood spatter a head.

找出他们光顾的洗衣店,把他们的衬衫通通喷上深红色颜料。Find out where they do their laundry. Spatter all their button-down shirts with dark red dye.

喷砂之后,应当除掉明显的毛刺、裂片、瑕疵和焊渣并对此处再次喷砂。Burrs, slivers, scabs and weld spatter visible following blasting shall be removed and the area re-blasted.

选择的标准之一飞溅刷子刷散射和调整,以模仿自然传播生锈。Select one of the standard Spatter brushes and adjust brush scattering to imitate the natural spreading of rust.

血迹分析员能判断出血迹来自哪个方向,血迹分析包括分析血迹、与血滴的尺寸与形状。Blood spatter analysis can indicate which direction the blood came from and how many separate incidents created the pattern.

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油漆涂刷前,应将需涂装部位的铁锈、焊缝药皮、焊接飞溅物、油污、尘土等杂物清理干净。Paint coating, should take the rust coating parts, weld coating, welding spatter materials, oil, dust and other debris cleared.

指出低氢型焊条的“弧桥并存”现象对电弧稳定性和飞溅的影响。The effect of Harc and liquid bridge coexist"of low hydrogen type covered electrode onthe arc stability and spatter is pointed out."

那片花坛里的叶瓣将在雨来的滴沥声间做着迎候的垂顾,让完全唤醒的泪花去忧伤谷守望夜蝙蝠的到来。The flower leaves in the spatter of rain between doing greeted the Chuigu, make fully awakened tears to blue valley watch Night bats.