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山姆和谁?Sam and?

那不明飞行物呢?And UFOs?

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还会有鹪鹩吗?And wrens?

还有炸土豆条,可乐。And a coke.

边走边吃。Eat and go.

还有一个贝壳。And a shell.

老和新。Old and new.

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尝试和犯错。Try and err.

然后集中在那儿。and hone in.

我开始祈祷。And I prayed.

少吃几餐就好了!And eat less!

它停下来了。And it stops.

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那么诗呢?And the poem?

您的手续费呢?And your fee?

又大又蓝?。Big and blue?

钩与钩眼?Hook and eye?

常春藤和苔藓。Ivy and moss.

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杰克和汤姆。Jack and Tom.

九和十。Nine and ten.

还有这里的。And 2, 1 here.