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这个缅甸的边境城市到处都是黑帮。This is a gang-plagued Burmese border city.

缅甸语是缅甸的官方语言。Burmese is the official language of Myanmar.

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他还养了天蛾,还有一只缅甸猫。There were hawkmoths too, and a Burmese cat.

缅甸蟒在蜕皮期间会拒食。Burmese python during the molting Antifeedant.

伊洛瓦底江从未让缅甸人失望过。The Irrawaddy has never disappointed the Burmese.

一条缅甸蚺蟒白子在吉隆坡展出。An albino Burmese python on display in Kuala Lumpur.

一个缅甸王子更新就任阿瓦的封臣。Burmese prince was again installed as a vassal of Ava.

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一个缅甸王子更新就任阿瓦的封臣。A Burmese prince was again installed as a vassal of Ava.

迄今,泰国是缅甸出口商品的最大购买方。Thailand is by far the largest buyer of Burmese exports.

主要的民族是说缅甸语的缅甸族。The dominant ethnic group is the Bamar who speak Burmese.

如今,许多缅族人都把中国看做是一个资源掠夺者。Today, many Burmese view China as a pillager of resources.

但是缅甸政府军方面是否有伤亡尚未可知。But the casualties on the Burmese Army's side were not known.

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缅甸军队已部署在克伦民族解放军和平委员会控制区。The Burmese Army has deployed troops in KPC controlled areas.

食品商贩上了离开缅甸仰光市的一列火车。Food traders join a train leaving the Burmese city of Rangoon.

三角洲地区的缅甸人举行起义,突然袭击卑谬城。The delta burmese rose in revolt and rushed the town of prome.

但是布什夫人把缅甸人民的事情当成了自己的事情,而由她出面代表美国政府对纳尔吉斯热带风暴做出反应看来相当得体。But Mrs. Bush has made the cause of the Burmese people her own.

作者的缅甸朋友提出了这个更简单的猜测。A cruder suggestion is voiced by a Burmese friend of the author.

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正如缅甸巨蟒,这种非洲蛇也属于蠎类。Also like the Burmese python, the African snake is a constrictor.

许多缅甸人都说,他们的北部各邦俨然就是中国的一个省份。Many Burmese say their northern states are likea Chinese province.

“所有种类中缅甸巨蟒最温顺,”他说。“The most temperate of the species is the Burmese python,” he said.