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不吓人,略血腥,很搞笑,无节操。Zombie isn't my thing. Too much blood.

但正是草根的僵尸们开始行动了。But the lowly zombie is making its move.

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非戏剧学院的活僵尸权力政治I. The No-Drama School of Zombie Realpolitik

你已经开始为僵尸来袭做准备了吗?Have you begun preparing for a zombie apocalypse?

教授僵尸学的是阿诺德布隆伯格。The lecturer of Zombie Studies is Arnold Blumberg.

奥巴马总统,注意那些僵尸后备团哦!And look out for those zombie banks, President Obama!

一个人如何给僵尸配出完美的声音来呢?How does one go about making the perfect zombie sound?

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于是她就加了一位名叫“僵尸粉9527”的微信号。So she added a micro signal called zombie powder 9527.

这具没头脑的“全国步枪协会”的僵尸?This mindless zombie of the national rifle association?

这个活僵尸炸弹,现在是——而且应该是——予以认真地对待了。This zombie boom is -- and should be -- taken seriously.

在进程表中僵?尸进程占用进程入口么?。Are zombie processes using an entry in the proce?ss table?

对一个僵尸妈妈而言,也许饭后清洁真是太容易了。Maybe. For a zombie mother, cleaning the plates is the easy part.

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僵尸一词来源于海地和新奥尔良伏都教起源。The word zombie comes from Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins.

他决定直接基于晋年轻脚本的僵尸电影。He decides to direct a zombie film based on the Jin-Young's script.

这些人让我们觉得丧尸危机随时可能在我们身边爆发。They make us feel like a zombie apocalypse could hit us any moment.

在我们这个现实的僵尸世界里,他们才是你的终极强力合伙人。In this zombie world of ours, they are your ultimate kickass partner.

施放僵尸魔法可以解除角色的僵尸状态。No. Casting Zombie on a Zombified character should cancel the status.

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然操场以傀儡僵尸而明闻阴阳界。But the playground with puppet zombie Ming smell Yin and Yang boundary.

合并“僵尸银行”就像醉汉帮扶醉汉——大家都站不起来。Merging zombie banks is like drunks trying to help each other stand up.

如果有一个僵尸屠杀你的团队,它可能还清了成为烈士。If there is a zombie massacring your team, it may pay off to be a martyr.