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中国有钱消费者是很诡异的。There is a quirkiness to rich Chinese consumers.

我希望他在影片中注入一点幽默和诡诈。I wanted to inject a little humor and quirkiness into the film.

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正是爱沙尼亚这种与众不同使LMC吸引各国前往。And it is that sort of Estonian quirkiness that gives the LMC its pull.

以其独特的魅力和诡异,即使到现在给人感觉可能也是一个极大的刺激。What seemed their charm and their quirkiness may now be nothing more than a big irritation.

奇怪的部分原因可能是有些性格就是为了技术世界的奇怪而生的。Perhaps this quirkiness is because a certain type of personality is drawn to the techie world.

有了日本人的奇思妙想,近年来卫浴科技水平达到了前所未有的高度。Recent years have seen washlet technology reaching unprecedented levels of Japanese quirkiness.

此图很适合用广角镜拍摄,它增加了画面的诡异感。The wide angle is particularly appropriate for this shot—it adds quirkiness to the quality of the image.

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我曾经读到“在美国文化中,神经质往往是一种标榜自己独树一帜、却仍能保持乐观与传统的伪装之道。”I once read that "quirkiness in American culture is often a way of pretending to be original while remaining happily and utterly conventional".

日本向来以执着和光怪陆离闻名于世,在日本各地相当受欢迎的胶囊旅社便是其中非常奇异的一项创举。Japan is known for its craziness and quirkiness and the capsule hotels that are relatively popular throughout the country are one of the oddest creations to date.

听众可以自由到来或离开,但是这部作品的力量就来源于它的冷酷,更不用说罗伯特·威尔逊离奇的舞台布置了。Listeners were free to come and go as they pleased, but some of the work's power came from its relentlessness, to say nothing of the quirkiness of Robert Wilson's staging.