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什么是选民登记证?What is an Elector Information Card?

本人已登记为地方选区的选民。I am a registered elector for a geographical constituency.

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本人已登记为地方选区的选民。I am a registered elector for the geographical constituency.

他6岁时就为巴伐利亚选帝侯和王后演奏曲目。When he was 6 he played for the bavarian Elector and Empress.

五个家族领袖是选举议会成员。他们拥有选举投票权。Five faction leaders are Elector Counts who may vote in the elections.

总之,选举议会倾向于投票给较弱的候选人。In general, Elector Counts prefer WEAKER candidates over stronger ones.

他们有资格登记为选民的人的确认。Confirmation by the person that they are eligible to enrol as an elector.

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只有一位选举人公开表示不会投票给川普。Only one Republican elector has publicly said he will not vote for Trump.

今年已经有一位选举人声称不会遵循他所在州的投票结果。This year, one elector has already said he will not follow his state's vote.

1675年,咖啡现身于勃兰登堡大选的法庭上。The drink appeared at the court of the great Elector of Branden burg in 1675.

投票站是我前往投票的地方,在选民登记列明地点。A polling station is where I vote and is listed on my Elector Information Card.

这个长5公里、宽1公里的公园,是由选帝侯卡尔·特奥多尔于1789年建造的。The 5km-long and 1km-wide park was constructed in 1789 by Elector Karl Theodor.

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们亦会把一张选民登记证给予每一位在家庭内各资格的选民。They will also give us an Elector information Card for each eligible voter at our address.

选举团当时发挥着审议机制的作用,每位选举人都凭自己的良知投票。The Electoral College operated as a deliberative body and each elector voted his conscience.

我能够感知我面前有一位选民,让我们先不去管这些先。I can perceive that there is an elector direct in front of me, so let's not worry about that.

其中的惩罚可能就是罚款或者是被革职的风险。Among the punishments are potential fines or the threat of being replaced with another elector.

他曾在莱比锡大学和阿尔特多夫法律和哲学,进入了美因茨选服务。He studied law and philosophy at the universities of Leipzig and Altdorf, and entered the service of the Elector of Mainz.

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方法应用YD-1型眼电图仪对97例视网膜色素变性患者和正常对照组的47例志愿受试者的眼电图各参数进行检测。METHODS Parameter of EOG in 97 patients with retinitis pigmentosa and 47 volunteers by YD-1 visual elector physiology apparatus.

选民登记证证实我们的名字在选民名单之内,他也告知我投票的地点及时间。An Elector Information Card confirms that my name is one the list of electors. The card will also tell me where and when I can vote.

如选民在选票上选择多于一名候选人,并注明选择的优先次序,则选票可在选民所选择的候选人之间转移。The vote is transferable amongst the candidates marked on a ballot paper if the elector marks his preferences for more than one candidate.