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但是不管怎样,我非常喜欢这个球员。But I liked Nigel Clough as a player.

阿纳协会因成为“校长克劳夫的哈巴狗”而受到指责。ANAK was accused of being "the lapdog of President Clough".

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前学院院长韦恩·克拉夫在一次学生会议中演讲。Former Institute President Dr. G. Wayne Clough speaks at a student meeting.

布莱恩克拉夫带领德比郡和诺丁汉森林这些小球会取得过神话般的成就。At Derby and Nottingham Forest, Brian Clough achieved feats of sorcery with provincial clubs.

你曾为克劳夫和弗爵爷踢过球,这两个伟人有什么相似之处吗?You've played under Brian Clough and Alex Ferguson. Did these two great men have anything in common?

日前,英国足球界传奇人物布赖恩·克拉夫的铜像在其家乡米德尔斯堡落成。Footballing legend Brian Clough has been honoured in Middlesbrough, his home town, with a bronze statue

布莱恩-克劳一直把目标对准联赛杯,因为至少它能给你进入欧洲赛场的资格。Brian Clough always targeted the League Cup because it offered you the earliest possible route into Europe.

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也正是基于此,本文以四川省境内海流沟泥石流为对象,对泥石流形成机理方面的问题进行了探索性研究。Based on the reason above, the author give a pathbreaking study of the mechanism of debris flow formation in Hailiu clough.

克劳夫霸气外露,我有幸在他盛年时效力森林队。之后不久森林就蝉联欧冠。I was fortunate to play for Clough when he was at the peak of his power, not long after Forest had twice won the European Cup.

这是埃里克森的工作方式,弗格森也是,还有布莱恩克拉夫也是这么指挥训练课的。That is how Sven-Goran Eriksson works but it is also how Sir Alex Ferguson works and how Brian Clough ran his training sessions.

以某水闸工程为对象,研究了大型群桩与软土地基共同作用的性状。Aiming at a clough engineering, the performance of cooperation work between large-scale grouped piles and pile-soft soil is studied.

这座高7英尺的铜像是由英国著名雕像家马洛克制作的。铜像反映的是克拉夫正跑向训练场地。Renowned sculptor Vivien Mallock has produced a 7ft-high figure depicting Clough striding towards the gates of Albert Park on his way to training.

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“我们仍然希望能签下丹尼尔。尽管要等到二月份,但对此我们信心十足”,克拉夫对德比郡俱乐部官网如是说。We still want Daniel to join us and we are pretty confident that will happen, albeit later in February, " Clough told the club's official website."

德比郡队主帅奈杰尔·克拉夫表示,他对这位红军中卫仍然青睐有加,不过他等到阿亚拉痊愈之后再做进一步打算。Derby manager Nigel Clough confirmed that he was still interested in signing the centre half but he was prepared to wait until he had returned to full fitness.

我们是否有可能在下赛季继续租借他呢?我们当然会尽快地去探问下。”德比郡主教练奈杰尔·克劳夫在接收德比电讯采访时说道。"Is there a possibility we could see him back on loan next season? We are going to make that inquiry, certainly, " manager Nigel Clough told the Derby Telegraph.

上周末,他返回首都来接受这个只授予像乔治贝斯特,布莱恩克劳夫这样帝国的爵士和传奇人物的奖项。He sailed back into the capital last weekend to collect an award that has been the preserve of knights of the realm and legends like George Best and Brian Clough.

克拉夫还赞扬了利物浦主教练肯尼·达格利什对此事的积极推动。他同时非常期待伤愈复出的阿亚拉能尽快加入自己的球队。And Clough praised the work done with Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish, and that he was looking forward to working with the player once he returned to full fitness.

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布莱恩·克劳夫曾说过上帝不把草坪放在空中是因为有了达格利什,如果他看到这个进球,我想这位伟人,还有上帝都会换换想法的。Brian Clough famously noted that there was a reason why God didn't put grass in the sky. If he'd seen this goal, the great man – and God – might have had a different opinion.

在问津马丁之前克劳夫也曾询问过维冈的加纳国门理查德·金森以及诺茨郡的小舒梅切尔,但最终都没能达成一致。Clough went for Martin ahead of Wigan's Ghana World Cup keeper Richard Kingson. He also inquired about Notts County's Kasper Schmeichel but he only needs a No. 1 for a short period.