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这一结局有违赫尔德的初衷。This outcome is absolutely against the original intention of Herder.

然后赫尔德看到了作为德国文化生活的威胁法国的扩张。Then Herder saw the French expansion as a threat to the German cultural life.

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做一个牧猫人大概是我认为我所做过的事中最艰难的事情了。Being a cat herder is probably about the toughest thing I think I've ever done.

一名驯鹿牧人在西伯利亚西北方的河岸找到了牠。She was discovered by a reindeer herder on a river bank in northwestern Siberia.

“驯鹿越来越不开心。”31岁的养鹿人埃拉说道。"The reindeer are becoming unhappy, " said Issat Eira, a 31-year-old reindeer herder.

他自己尝了一下,发现比平常更精力充沛。After trying the berries himself, the goat herder felt much more energetic than usual.

赫尔德对启蒙理性主义进行反思并发动了浪漫主义运动。Based on the profound reflection on rationality, Herder initiates romanticism movement.

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一位在耶路撒冷附近放牧的牧民正在吹奏小曲,这里离当年大卫放牧羊群的地方只有几公里。A herder serenades his goats near Jerusalem, a few miles from where David tended his herds.

“这里的汉族人越来越多,所以我们没法发展,”当地农牧民Tsairang说。"There are more and more Han here, so we can't develop," said Tsairang, a herder and farmer.

牧民巴特巴亚尔.达瓦多耶今年36岁。In 2002, 36-year old herder Batbayar Davaadorj lost 30 per cent of his animals during the dzud.

牧人把这头奋力挣扎的幼鹿绑在了雪橇上并把雪橇栓在了他的雪地机动车上。The herder tied the struggling young reindeer to a sled and hitched the sled to his snowmobile.

发现卢芭的那个驰鹿牧民出售卢芭,换了两辆雪地车和一年的食物。The reindeer herder who discovered Lyuba sold her for two snowmobiles and a year's supply of food.

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现在,普林斯顿高兴地返回打印下一个内容,柏林的散文对维柯,哈曼和赫尔德。Now, Princeton is pleased to return to print, under one cover, Berlin's essays on Vico, Hamann, and Herder.

牧民索拉文毛一家八口住在帐篷,她告诉我们她的一个儿子在4.14地震中丧生了。Wen Mao, a herder who lives in a tent with her family of eight, told us that one of her sons died in the earthquake.

今年早些时候,中国士兵跨过了西部地区的控制推定线,并赶走了原本住在那里的一个牧民家庭。Earlier this year Chinese soldiers crossed the presumed line of control in the west and sent a herder family packing.

她于2007年在西伯利亚亚马尔半岛被一名驯鹿牧民所发现,于是就随这位牧民的太太的名字取名为柳芭。Astonishing pictures show Lyuba, named after the wife of the reindeer herder who discovered her in 2007 on the Yamal peninsula in Siberia.

她于2007年在西伯利亚亚马尔半岛被一名驯鹿牧民所发现,于是就随这位牧民的太太的名字取名为柳芭。Astonishing pictures show Lyuba , named after the wife of the reindeer herder who discovered her in 2007 on the Yamal peninsula in Siberia.

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抬头望去,陡峭的斜坡上,一个牧羊人对着羊群歌唱,附近一位年轻姑娘正弯腰捡一种当地野生绿色蔬菜。Above them, on a steep slope, a sheep herder sang to his sheep. Nearby, a bent-over young girl picked moroho shoots – wild green vegetables.

从鲍姆加登到康德之间,对西方艺术观念史有重要贡献的人物是摩西·孟德尔松、苏尔泽和赫尔德。The greatest contribution to the history of our problem in the interval between Baumgarten and Kant came from Mendelssohn, Sulzer, and Herder.

林木线南部的稀树林中,一位涅涅茨牧人正领着他的驯鹿穿过白雪覆盖的冬季作为草料的地衣牧场。In thin forest just south of the tree line, a Nenets herder leads his reindeer across snow-covered pastures where lichens serve as winter fodder.