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我们今天清仓大甩卖。We have a clearance sale today.

前往海关办理结关手续。Go to the Customs for clearance.

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制动衬片间隙大。Big clearance of the brake facing.

清仓物资,低价倾销。Dump clearance goods at low price.

预计入远允许在1215。Expect approach clearance at 1215.

用垫片调整轴承间隙。Adjust bearing clearance with shims.

把好售茧关。Fifth, the good clearance sale cocoon.

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没有通关和银行担保。No custom clearance and Bank guarantees.

把好采茧关。Fourth, the good mining clearance cocoon.

这里7个斜顶的移动空间是充足的。The 7 lifters travel clearance was enough.

亭站立在关税清除下。The booth stand is under customs clearance.

最低的固定桥下方通行高度为12.8米。The lowest fixed bridge has 12.8m clearance.

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而森林许可证并没有删除傻瓜们。Forest clearance hasn't been removed A-Holes.

所有间隙手动或电动调整。All clearance adjustment is manual or motorize.

单机如果能带自动清灰灰更好。Single gray if better with automatic clearance.

必须用压铅丝体例调剂间隙。Clearance must be adjusted by means of lead wire.

在进行主要的设计变更之前进行清理。Get clearance before making major design changes.

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所以审判前我不需要经过安全检查?I don't need security clearance for the pretrial?

一旦获得批准,我们将会尽快把他公布出来。We'll publish these as soon as we have clearance.

一个受载销钉支承于一个具有微小间隙的孔上。A loaded pin bears on a hole with small clearance.