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在恒河边火葬日夜不息。The cremation ghats in Varanasi burn day and night.

片子的背景和颜色都非常出色。And the backdrop and colour of Varanasi were brilliant.

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哦,那里就是中国的瓦拉纳西,我多么希望能去那个古镇参观。Oh that is Varanasi of China. I would have loved to visit that town.

瓦拉纳西的市声喧嚣渐行渐远,时间行进也似乎回复到远古的节奏。The noise of Varanasi floats away as time slows to an ancient rhythm.

在印度,瓦拉纳西城发生踩踏事件,造成2人死亡,10多人受伤。In India, 2 people were killed and over 10 injured in a stampede in Varanasi.

到波罗奈还有十哩路,再不走,太阳就要下山了!Varanasi was still ten miles distant, and the sun was already sinking in the west.

瓦拉纳西是一个拥挤的城市,过去几十年来,其基础设施几乎没有什么变化。Varanasi is a crowded city and its infrastructure has hardly changed in the past decades.

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作为德里新的水治理计划,坎普尔和瓦拉纳西建议一切还都没有消失。Still, as the new water-management plans in Delhi, Kanpur and Varanasi suggest, all is not lost.

展馆的陶瓦和地砖借鉴了瓦腊纳西的一座宫殿的设计风格,通过内置的水管来冷却。The terracotta and stone floor is inspired by the palace at Rampur in Varanasi and is cooled by embedded pipes.

此译本的原文是卡桑洛珠在瓦腊纳西出版的现代印度文本。The text upon which the present translation is based is a modern Indian print produced by Kalsang Lhundup in Varanasi.

从前,在古印度有一位富有的珠宝商,名叫潘杜。有一次,他坐着马车赶路去波罗奈做生意。Once in ancient India a wealthy jeweler was hurrying in his carriage a long the highway to Varanasi. Pandu was his name.

从前,在古印度有一位富有的珠宝商,名叫潘杜。有一次,他坐著马车赶路去波罗奈做生意。Once in ancient India a wealthy jeweler was hurrying in his carriage a long the highway to Varanasi. Pandu was his name.

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美国航空航天局称,黎明时分,印度西海岸首先观察到这一景象,随后日食经过苏拉特、印多尔、博帕尔、瓦拉纳西和帕特纳。The phenomenon began at dawn over the western coast of India, passing over Surat, Indore, Bhopal, Varanasi and Patna, Nasa said.

瓦拉纳西是一座杰出的文化和宗教中心,许多知名的诗人,作家和音乐家曾聚集在这座城市。Varanasi is an outstanding cultural and religious center with many celebrated poets, writers and musicians concentrated in the city.

在印度北部城市瓦拉纳西,猕猴已经成为互联网服务发展道路上一个看似不可能出现的障碍。Macaque monkeys appear to have become an unlikely roadblock in the development of internet services in the northern Indian city of Varanasi.

瓦拉纳西博士进一步说到,真正的挑战是研制一种理想材料,可以避免不必要的结霜,这才是可持续发展的理想蓝图。The real challenge lies in creating an ideal texture that deflects unwanted frost formation and is also durable and scalable, Dr. Varanasi said.

浮动贡物的花朵和蜡烛销售在瓦拉纳西开灯路径因为虔诚的典礼。Floating offerings of flowers and candles are sold in Varanasi to light the way for pious rituals. But locals also use the river in ordinary ways, doing laundry or washing hair.