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你套过分了!Eng. You're overdoing it!

没想到你的英语这么好!I never imagined your Eng.

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中山大学化学与化学工程学院!School of Chem. and Chem. Eng.

以下是弟子文英的一个感应事件报告。Disciple Boon Eng reported below an inspirational event.

英国2锎极端是轻量级选手、固体和槽枥。The ENG 2 CF is extremely lightweight, solid and stable.

这里的气氛所收集电力工程发明的系统。The atmosphere electricity collect system invented by eng.

邱涌耀目前在吉隆坡做导演和剪辑师。Eng Yow is currently an editor and director based in Kuala Lumpur.

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欢迎报考南京大学化学化工学院高分子研究生。Department of Polymer Sci. and Eng. , School of Chem. and Chem. Eng.

郑俊在一次交通事故中和金杰的大妹金英相遇。Jung join in a traffic accident and the big sister Jin Jie met Kim eng.

没。有什么比得上和朋友一起学习。There is nothing like having a few friends to study Eng. li. sh together.

荣发在2012年后港区补选中当选国会议员。Eng Huat was elected Member of Parliament in the 2012 Hougang By-Election.

我爱你为什么你不鞥接受我呢为什么决绝我我的心好难受。I love you Why do not you accept my Eng Why do I pull off my heart a pain.

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是关于昌和恩这对连体双胞胎的,which was about Chang and Eng who were the original pair of Siamese twins

我想,这里或许是理工学子在周末可以消磨时间的地点。Perhaps, this is the place for USM Eng Campus students to spend their weekend.

古晋中学重建委员会主席郭应茂先生致词。Chairman of Kuching High Rebuilding Committee, Mr Kuek Eng Mong, giving speech.

接下来,斯台普顿获悉亨利爵士已到达英格兰,于是便去了伦敦。Next, Stapleton learned that Sir Henry had reached Eng land, so he went to London.

接下来,斯台普顿获悉亨利爵士已达到英格兰,于是便去了伦敦。Next, Stapleton learned that Sir Henry had reached Eng land, so he went to London.

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主讲人董长英先生长期研究新加坡木刻版画艺术。The speaker Mr. Tong Siang Eng is a long-time researcher of woodcut art in Singapore.

应马来西亚弟子文英之前的提请,我已于今日手书成。As requested by disciple Boon Eng of Malaysia a while ago, I did the calligraphy today.

茱迪在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校读书时认识了她未来的丈夫,律师麦克·恩。It was while she was a student at UCLA that Chu met her future husband, attorney Mike Eng.