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谁会为这些买单?Who foots the bill?

呦,脚还在…你闻到受害者的味道了吗。Yo, man, Foots still down. you smell the vic.

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他父亲每月付电费。His father foots his electric bill every month.

你和约翰出去吃饭是谁付账啊?When you go dinner with John, who foots the bill?

袭击者对他拳打脚踢。The attackers laid about him with their hands and foots.

每天洗脚时用消毒液浸泡五分钟。Soak foots in the clo2 solution for 5 minutes, once a day.

进入模式是跨国公司战略投资的基石。Entry modes are the foots tone in strategic investment of multinationals.

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在中国社会里与女友约会,通常是男人付帐。In Chinese society, the man generally foots the bill for dating expenses.

我不知道前面的路有多远,我只知道路就在脚下!I don't know how long is the way on my front. But i know it is under my foots !

他相信,越来越少的国家能在美国买单的同时获得大部分回报。He believes that lesser countries reap most of the rewards while America foots the bill.

另一个重要原因是,民族国家希望自己能够在危机到来之时能够借此幸免于难。It is also because, when a crisis comes, the nation-state foots the bill for a bail-out.

中世纪时,女孩们会在情人节那天吃一种不同寻常的食物,然后她们将会梦到她们的未来丈夫。During Medieval times, girls ate unusual foots on St. Valentine's Day to have a dream of their future husband.

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“然而,由于当晚能见度低,一些事先录制的脚印可能被使用。”他说。"However, because of the poor visibility of the night some previously recorded foots may have been used, " he said.

然后我尽量把脚踩的离手很近,让我的左手有机会支撑在一块方形的斜面上。Then I stand my foots so close of my hards to have one chance to stay on my left hand who is a square who is a bit slop.

隧道边墙中部、拱肩、拱顶是比较关键的部位,应加强支护。The side wall central section, the arch foots and the vault are key parts of the tunnel where should be strengthened to support.

蜡膏和蜡下油是溶剂脱蜡工艺生产润滑油基础油的副产物,一般只用作催化裂化原料。The by products, wax and foots oil, in lube base oil production by solvent dewaxing were normally used as catalytic cracking feedstock.

该产品操作简便,手柄只需旋转130度,卸料时甚至可以脚操作。This product can be operated simply. The handle only need to be turned in 130 degrees. Even unloading material can be operated with foots.

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如果这些小的方面你们能分配好的话,那么大一点的事情你们也能处理好。If you can agree to pay for the plane tickets while he foots the hotel bill, chances are you'll be able to successfully navigate larger issues.

论述了用在通用冲床上的引出脚弯曲挤扁切断自动模结构形式、工作原理和设计要点。A description is made on a structure operating principle and main points of the design of auto-feed progressive die of bending extruding flat and cutting for the leading foots.