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放回沙井盖。Replace the manhole cover.

为什么下水道癿亐盖是囿癿?Why are manhole covers round?

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我给绊了一下,跌进了一个窨井。I tripped and fell into a manhole

吸沙车清理沙井。Suction clean sand truck manhole.

请将人孔盖移开。Please move the manhole cover away.

点解下水道的盖是圆形的?Why are manhole cover round in shape?

人孔盖在重移不动。The manhole cover is too weighty to move.

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其余的人孔盖为B型人孔盖。Other areas shall use "B" type manhole covers.

潮湿恶心的空气从打开的下水道口涌了上来。Warm, thick air fountains up from the open manhole.

适用于船舶的水密和油密人孔盖。Used for the watertight and oil tight manhole cover.

在发短信时掉进检修孔的少女The teenager girl who fell in a manhole while texting

甚至园区的下水道井盖上也印有“富士康”字样。Even the plant's manhole covers are stamped 'Foxconn.'

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卖方不能改变设备口及人孔的尺寸。Nozzle and manhole size shall not be changed by Vendor.

你能建议三个理由为什么人孔包括是把?Can you suggest three reasons why manhole covers are round?

我们加入了他们,然后一起到了那个洞口,是一个四周爬满常春藤的堤防。We join them at a manhole beneath an ivy-covered embankment.

在人井2中,将弯头卸下,便于设备进入。Debus turn head in the manhole 2 to have equipments smoothly entered.

将井盖的吊带衫为清除过滤器和过滤器。Put a manhole cover on the tank top for removing filters and strainer.

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宝安区决定建设107国道沙井新桥立交。Baoan District decided to build 107 State Road manhole bridge overpasses.

汉斯刚来检查了6号检查井和7号检查井之问的那段管道。Hans's just been over to check on this one between manhole 6 and manhole 7.

这时有一个人走过,把我拉了出来。and then this man like walking passed me, pulled me up out of the manhole.