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她们每个人都有厌食症。Each of whom had been diagnosed anorexic.

很显然你不可能成为一名顶尖运动员,同时又是个厌食症病人。Obviously, you can’t be a top athlete andbe anorexic.

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我过去是一个厌食症患者,在这些年里我一直都觉得自己是一个怪物。I sent many years being anorexic and feeling like I was a monster.

即使作为厌食症患者,我也知道这样很糟糕,我必须做些什么了。Even as an anorexic I knew this was bad, and I had to do something.

需要指出的是女主角奥利弗也许是第一个厌食症患者。Also, it should be pointed out that Olive Oyl was the first anorexic sex symbol.

吸食海洛因成瘾的摇滚歌星和患上厌食症的小明星,他们的故事就如同流行音乐之历史一样由来已久。Tales of heroin-hooked rock stars and anorexic starlets are as old as pop music itself.

她出现了厌食的症状,开始自残,用自己收集的各种刀具割伤自己。She became anorexic and began to self-harm, cutting herself with her collection of knives.

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比如说,意大利时尚品牌Nolita在2007年的广告中展示了一个患厌食症的裸体女性,引发了各界争议。For instance, Italian label Nolita caused a stir in 2007 with billboards showing a naked, anorexic woman.

女人患厌食症的概率更是比男人高出十倍,每年都会有150000位女性死于厌食症。Women are ten times more likely to be anorexic than men, and as many as 150,000 women die from anorexia each year.

孩子们被性骚扰、被残害思想而变得厌食、暴食或者染上毒瘾。Children are sexually molested and mutilated with thought-form so they can become anorexic or bulimic or drug addicts.

爱丽丝现在是一个饮食失调慈善组织B-eat的大使,对有关儿童厌食症的观念表示担忧。Alice, now a young ambassador for eating disorders charity B-eat, gives a worrying insight into the mind of a child anorexic.

明星杂志写到,米德尔顿离健康有些远了,变得骨瘦如柴,她令人难以置信的虚弱身躯显示她可能有厌食症。Star magazine noted that Middleton “has gone from fit and toned to gaunt and bony,” and her “unbelievably frail frame is sparking fears that she may be anorexic.

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以氯苯和邻苯二甲酸酐为起始原料用两种方法合成厌食剂马吲哚,并通过紫外光谱、核磁共振谱、互变异构等方法确证了其结构。The anorexic agent Mazindol was synthesized from chlorobenzene and phthalic anhydride via two new methods and its structure was determinated through UV, NMR and tautomerization.

米兰达是三人中最有自我意识的一个,在某集中,她通过节食来塑造一个“厌食症患者”的形象,但里兹和戈多总能看穿她的问题。Miranda is the most self-conscious of the three as is evident in an episode in which she skips meals to get an "anorexic" look, but Lizzie and Gordo always see through her crisis.