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这里是冰球场。This is a hockey rink.

她走着去滑冰场。She walks to the ice rink.

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你可以在滑冰场租。You can hire skate at the rink.

你在溜冰场里能做什么?What can you do on the ice rink?

我想我宁愿去旱冰场。I think I'd rather go to the rink.

在溜冰场溜冰是很有趣的。Skating on the skating rink is good fun.

我们溜完冰后买午餐的地方。Where we got our lunch after the skating rink.

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如今我喜爱在溜冰场里约束的滑来滑去。Now I enjoy going around the rink like a free bird.

昨天下午我去溜冰场溜冰。Yesterday afternoon, I went to the ice-skating rink.

嗯,那儿有个对每个人来说都其乐无穷的溜冰场。Well, there is an ice skating rink which is fun for everybody.

请细阅本场所张贴之关意外之免责条款。Please read carefully the accident disclaimer posted in the rink.

阐述了人工冰场的空调设计。Expounds the air conditioning system design of artificial ice rink.

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这里的中心是个溜冰场。They turn this entire area in the center here to an ice skating rink.

在长道比赛中,两名选手绕着四百公尺的椭圆形溜冰场比赛。In a long-track race, two skaters race around a 400-meter oval ice rink.

冬日里,湖面结冻,又成为滑冰的绝佳场地。In the winter, the lake freezes over and serves as a natural skating rink.

一个圣诞节,乔和彼得在一片狂野中间建了一个溜冰场。One Christmas, Joe and Peter built a skating rink in the middle of a field.

库格麦斯看着窗户外面的沃尔曼溜冰场,他想到了自杀。Kugelmass stared out the window at the Wollman Rink and contemplated suicide.

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在冰场的迪斯科球洒通过她的长头发又令人眩目的光。The disco ball over the rink sprinkled dizzying light through her long-again hair.

除了超棒的滑雪运动之外,这个娱乐场还有电影院、保龄球馆和溜冰场。As well as excellent skiing, the resort offers a cinema, bowling alley and an ice rink.

中央公园的沃尔曼滑冰场给人以一种独特的视角来观察纽约的摩天大楼。Wollman Skating Rink in Central Park provides a striking view of New York's skyscrapers.