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我恨你,任天堂。I hate you, Nintendo.

任天堂公司计划加固柄带。Nintendo intends to beef up the strap.

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而任天堂需要其所能获得的所有优势。And Nintendo needs all the edge it can get.

任天堂和索尼,这是对你们的一个召唤。Nintendo and Sony. This is a call out to you.

教您如何设计一个深蓝色复古圆角网站页头。How to design the Wii header found at

可以让你在手机上玩任天堂的8位游戏。It lets you play Nintendo 8-bits games on your mobile.

他宁愿每天玩玩棒球,篮球和游戏机。He played baseball and basketball and Nintendo instead.

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为什么任天堂能排名“全球最佳企业”榜首?Why Nintendo can top "the world's best companies" list?

它在这里排第一,应该没有什么争议,这款游戏是任天堂开始起家时,做出来的产品。Any disputes here? This game from Nintendo started gaming.

任天堂原控制器的特点在前面。Properties and the original Nintendo console in the front.

结果是任天堂狠狠地赚了一笔,而索尼狠狠的赔了一笔。As a result Nintendo made a fortune and Sony lost a fortune.

我在任天堂的第一份工作是修理顾客的NES面板。My first job at Nintendo was repairing consumers' NES decks.

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你的智能手机有任天堂3DS,或PS2那么强大么?Is your smartphone as powerful as the Nintendo 3DS, or a PS2?

任天堂发明了一个电视游戏,玩家用一个魔杖进行操控。Nintendo invented a video game you control with a magic wand.

实际上,任天堂在第一周就卖出了90万份。In reality, Nintendo managed to sell 900, 000 in the first week.

任天堂正式授权控制器尼龙粘扣带钱包。Nintendo Controller Nylon Velcro Wallet has been duly authorized.

即使如此,在至少十年内任天堂都一直考虑到手机业。Even so, Nintendo has been thinking about phones for at least a decade.

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我还记得以前每个小孩都在疯任天堂的时代。I remember back in the days how all the kids were crazy about Nintendo.

好吧,我猜现在任天堂公司对他们的口袋妖怪专营有了更多的想法。Ok, I guess Nintendo has some more ideas for their pokemon franchise now.

当你自少玩任天堂时你永远不会想到你会在里面的。When you grow up playing Nintendo you never think that you will be on it.