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在时间的基督,爱色尼在昆兰是犹太人僧侣。In the time of Christ, the Essenes at Qumran were Jewish monks.

藏于昆兰洞穴里的这些古书卷是迄今为止已知的旧约圣经中主要卷书中最久远的。The ancient manuscripts hidden in the caves near Qumran are the oldest known copies of key Old Testament books.

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居民昆兰可能已领导人,或者只有一小分支,广泛的厄色尼运动。The inhabitants of Qumran may have been the leaders, or perhaps only a small branch, of a broad Essene movement.

他们确定的许多学者与昆兰社区,写的文件民选称为死海古卷。They are identified by many scholars with the Qumran community that wrote the documents popularly called the Dead Sea Scrolls.

靠近洞穴的是古代库姆兰会社遗址。他们在1950年代初被挖掘和似乎与古卷有联系。Near the caves are the ancient ruins of Qumran. They were excavated in the early 1950's and appear to be connected with the scrolls.

在这两种情况下是不可能知道如何以及在何种程度上昆兰文件反映了标准的厄色尼做法和信仰。In either case it is impossible to know just how and to what extent the Qumran documents reflect standard Essene practices and beliefs.

展厅中的巨幅照片也使得参观者仿若置身于那个时代昆兰地区的洞穴之中。Large color photographs within the exhibition made visitors feel as if they were actually entering the very area of the caves at Qumran.

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几千年前,一个被称为库姆蓝会社的团体开始编写有关世界末日的死海卷轴。A few thousand years ago, a community known as Qumran has devoted themselves to write the Dead Sea Scroll that has something to do with The End of Days.

死海古卷包括约900篇文献和在1947年至1956年间在死海西北部昆岩瓦迪附近的山洞发现的其他古文献。The Dead Sea Scrolls consisting of about 900 documents and other ancient documents were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in caves near the Qumran Wadi northwest of the Dead Sea.

许多权威人士认为在挖掘的库姆兰会社遗址以及在这些洞里的这些独特的容器的发现,可作为殖民地和洞之间的有关联的令人信服的证据。Many authorities consider the discovery of these unique vessels in the Qumran excavations as well as in the caves, as convincing evidence of the link between the settlement and the caves.

出于这个原因,似乎明智的,至少一个临时区别斐洛和约瑟夫索赔了解爱色尼和潜在的相关证据的昆兰。For this reason, it would seem prudent to make at least a provisional distinction between what Philo and Josephus claim to know about the Essenes and the potentially relevant evidence of Qumran.