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什么是斋月?What is Ramadan?

斋月期间你们都不吃不喝的吗?So you don't eat or drink during Ramadan?

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开斋月是被祝福和保佑的一个月。Ramadan is a month of blessings and prayers.

阿勒颇广场上售卖的一种特别的斋月面包。Special Ramadan bread for sale, Aleppo Souq.

虔诚的穆斯林准时地遵守斋月。Devout Moslems observe Ramadan punctiliously.

在这里,莱麦丹的热闹景象是特有的。The hustle and bustle of Ramadan here is unique.

斋月是伊斯兰历中最贵重的月份。Ramadan is the holiest month in Islamic calendar.

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斋月期间的马来西亚食品集市。A food bazaar in Malaysia during month of Ramadan.

他31岁,在斋月之前一周刚结婚。He was 31, he got married the week before Ramadan.

莱麦丹斋月是反躬自省、与人分享的时候。Ramadan is a time for self-reflection and sharing.

莱麦丹斋月是反躬自省、与人分享和更新复苏的时候。Ramadan is a time for self-reflection, sharing and renewal.

不过,穆斯林强调,莱麦丹斋月的意义不仅仅在于禁食。But Muslims stress that there's more to Ramadan than fasting.

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开斋节标示著穆斯林斋戒月的结束。Eid-al-Fitr marks the end of Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

斋月让人们懂得自律,仁慈和施舍。Ramadan teaches Muslims self-discipline, humility and giving.

这节经文建立了斋月与古兰经的联系。This verse establishes the link between Ramadan and the Qur'an.

他补充说,拉马丹将有花,夏季,当地人溺爱。Ramadan would spend summers there, doting on the locals, he adds.

斋月结束之际妇女们一起聚在垃圾场的边上祈祷。Women pray together at the edge of the tip at the end of Ramadan.

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努勒的妹妹纳迪试着在今年斋月开始封斋。Noora's younger sister Nadia is trying to start fasting this Ramadan.

斋月改变了梨泰院穆斯林餐厅的工作模式。Ramadan changed the working pattern of Muslim restaurants in Itaewon.

莱麦丹提醒我们,伊斯兰教始终是美国的一个组成部分。And Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been a part of America.