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上星期一支伪军部队起义了。A puppet troop revolted last week.

时而一群少女嬉戏。Sometimes a troop of damsels glad.

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他带着一大群随从走出来。He came out with a troop of followers.

一群海鸥栖息在水面上。A troop of seagulls slept on the water.

世界上一队小小的流浪者啊。A troop of little vagrants of the world.

这支部队快步翻山越谷。The troop trotted the hills and valleys.

部队调动频繁。There have been numerous troop movements.

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林子中有一群猴子。学习新视野教育上机教材。There is a troop of monkeys in the woods.

我的小队野蛮人马团团围住了乔。My little troop of Goths swarmed upon Joe.

运兵船由两艘军舰护航。The troop ship was escorted by two warships.

他们这个部队向来以军风严整著称。Their troop is famous for its neat carriage.

他的部队是众所周知及其无畏。His troop were well known as its intrepidity.

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我们翼侧受到一队骑兵的袭击。We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry.

这支部队有实际作战经验。The troop has much experience of actual combat.

他们迂回到敌军的右翼。They turned the right flank of the enemy troop.

这支骑兵部队非常威风凛凛。They were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry.

把部队撤出来,让一切顺其自然。Pull the troop and let the chips fall as they may.

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一群男孩子正在池塘边玩儿。A troop of boys were playing at the edge of a pond.

要是采用法国步兵服呢,那我再去参军就活该了。If it's Zouave, I'm damned if I'll go in the troop.

清代马政则为马队营制之基础。Horse administration was the basis of cavalry troop.