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莱昂纳多将会因为禁闭岛或者盗梦空间获得提名。Leo could be nominated for Shutter Island or Inception.

利用白熊效应,我们可以创造一种梦境基础。Using the white bear effect, we can create dream inception.

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当Cobb在Mal身上用了inception时,它在继续着没有停。When Cobb uses inception onMal, it continues and never stops.

基本任务在中一次典型的先启迭代中被执行Essential tasks performed during a typical iteration in Inception

自1990年刚刚起步以来,ARM就培养了低功耗的信条。Since its inception in 1990, ARM has nurtured a low-power religion.

在假期里,我看了一些电影,如暮光之城,盗梦空间。On this holiday, I saw a lot of movies, Such as "Twilight and Inception".

第十二条无效或被撤销的婚姻,自始无效。Article 12 Void or dissolved marriage shall be invalid from its inception.

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项目经理在项目的先启阶段开始编写产品验收计划。The project manager draws it up during the Inception phase of the project.

我厂自创办以来,一直受到周围养鱼户的青睐。I plant Since its inception , has been around the fish farmers of all ages.

我觉得很有趣,他们讨论“盗梦”时,I thought it was really interesting in that, when they discuss "Inception",

它从自诞生就遭受着经济社与社会落后的受害者。Since its inception it has been the victim of this economic and social evil.

在先启阶段我们确定应用程序的高层需求。During Inception we determine the high-level requirements of the application.

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从10月份绿点市场一开张,她就一直在这里卖。She has been selling at the Greenpoint market since its inception in October.

设计了一种快速捕捉喘振前期小扰动幅频特征的数据处理方法。The method which is used to capture the signal of surge inception is designed.

在先启阶段里程碑处的一些基本工作产品的状态是The state of some essential work products at the Inception phase milestone are

1949年以后,一个真正的妇女解放过程开始了。The year 1949 witnessed the veritable inception of women's liberation in China.

然而自实施以来,其一直没有快速阅读测试。But FRT has not been included in the reading component in the CET since its inception.

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对于介意审查的项目团队,在初始阶段还有一个额外的步骤。For review-minded project teams, there's an extra step as well in the Inception phase.

我们在项目的初始阶段和细化阶段的早期为演示使用了正面。We used facades for demonstrations very early in the inception and elaboration phases.

例如,在初始阶段将精力过于集中在需求上将会成生相反的效果。For example, focusing too heavily on requirements in Inception would be counterproductive.