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善使诡计而又故作正经的女性。A woman of artifice and prudery.

假装晕倒只不过是个诡计。Pretending to faint was merely artifice.

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她看到了兽性和技巧性。She sees both the animality and the artifice.

小菜园是个人技巧的一个缩影。A veg patch is a microcosm of personal artifice.

手腕关节刺痛是否是腱鞘炎?Whether is artifice joint tenosynovitis smartly?

自然先于艺术,人的技巧和人的形成。Nature precedes art and human artifice or human making.

第一在于奥巴马对政治诡计的厌恶。The first is Obama's aversion to the artifice of politics.

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维基的摄影作品运用了丰富的艺术手段和技巧。Weegee's photographs are full of artfulness, and artifice.

这是一个声在性质和手腕是相互联系的。It is a soundscape where nature and artifice are intertwined.

检察官称,维拉普兰的贪婪让他的伪装泡了汤。According to the prosecutor, his greed undermined this artifice.

他和羊群混在一起吃草,用这个妙计骗过了牧羊人。He pastured with the flock, beguiling the shepherd by his artifice.

光有真水平没有什么用处,它必须要靠手腕和世故作后盾才能真起作用。Real skill does not work unless it's backed by artifice and worldly wise.

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手腕真皮组织出现硬块,手术后为什么重复又增生?Artifice derma organizes occurrence nugget, why to repeat after the operation proliferous?

自然灾害道破最好和最差的人们,洗去傲慢和技巧。Natural disasters lay bare the best and worst in people, stripping away hubris and artifice.

这真是大自然的神秘的原则,造物主的微妙的工夫!"Gradualness"is really the mysterious law of Mother Nature, the subtle artifice of the Creator!

唐太斯小心地扒开泥土,看出了或他自以为看出了这个巧妙的人间杰作。Dantès dug away the earth carefully, and detected, or fancied he detected, the ingenious artifice.

手腕部的腱鞘炎除了外科手术外是否有别的治疗方案?Whether does the tenosynovitis of artifice ministry have other treatment plan besides surgical operation?

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第四部分为陈叔宝的诗歌艺术风格及技巧研究。The fourth chapter analyzes the existing poetry and song of Chen Shubao artistic style and artifice study.

“变性”资本积累是以各种手段变公有资本为私有资本的资本积累。"Denatured" capital accumulation is one that turns public capital into private capital with every artifice.

马赛克公园代表了建筑与景观、自然与人为融合的杂糅特色。Mosaic Park presents a hybrid character that combines architecture with landscape, and nature with artifice.