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肉色或棕褐色与鼻不符合标准。A Dudley, flesh-colored or brown nose shall disqualify.

由于缺乏良好的教育,可能使你不适合做某些工作。The lack of a good education might disqualify you from some jobs.

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逾期之赛事分数将被取消资格不会加到总成绩。Delayed match will disqualify and non-game point count into final results.

是有系统的资格,并重新获得资格认证人员在工作职能?Is there a system to disqualify and re-qualify personnel in a job function?

我恐怕将难以胜任这项光荣的使命。“I’m afraid I will have to disqualify myself from this honorable task,” relied Jane.

我想,这些都是我简历的闪光点,但我不太起眼的平均绩点会让我没有资格应聘吗?I think these things are fine additions to my resume, but will my so-so GPA disqualify me?

人民法院可以根据有关人员或者有关单位的申请,撤销监护人的资格。The people's court may disqualify a guardian based on the application of a concerned party or unit.

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赛果以新地会的决定为依归,新地会有权以违反规则或其他合理理由取消参赛资格。The Club reserves the right to disqualify contestants who violate any rules or for any valid reasons.

我想,这些都是我简历的闪光点,但我不太起眼的平均绩点会让我没有资格应聘吗?I think these things are fine additions to my resume, but will my so-so GPA disqualify me? — Busy Off-Campus

毫无疑问在填简历或在面试时提供任何不实信息将会随时被取消面试资格。Any lies appearing in a résumé or told to an interviewer will automatically disqualify the candidate at any time.

他们也取消那些只找兼职工作的人享受保险的资格——即使许多人因为家庭原因才去做兼职工作。They also disqualify people seeking only part-time work—even though many people now work part-time for family reasons.

如得奖者拒绝或未能出席比赛的颁奖礼,主办机构保留取消其得奖资格。The organizer reserves the right to disqualify winners if the latter fails to be present at the Award Presentation Ceremony.

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若发现购物证明上有任何修改或损坏,TESCO将保留取消优胜者资格的权利。TESCO reserves the right to disqualify if found that there are any alterations or defacement on the required proof of purchase.

显而易见的事情是取消女子双打所有选手的比赛资格,拒绝颁发任何奖牌。The obvious thing to do is to disqualify all of the competitors in the Women's Doubles and refuse to hand out any medals at all.

品质部门是完全独立的部门,如有权要求停止出货,生产线停线,及取消供应商资格。The Quality Organization is sufficiently independent, e. g. , ability to stop shipments, shut down a line, disqualify a supplier.

委内瑞拉的社会主义总统查韦斯,已经宣布取消最大反对党候选人,加拉加斯市长的参选资格。Mr Chávez, Venezuela’s socialist president, has manoeuvred to disqualify the most popular opposition candidate for mayor of Caracas.

所有这些不足被结合导致一些小提琴球员使吉他弹奏者不合格作为听力损伤的音乐鄙俗。All these insufficiencies combined have caused some violin players to disqualify the guitarists as hearing impaired musical philistines.

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是的。这次之所以在比赛之后才取消他的资格就是因为药检的结果出来的晚了。They are. The reason why they didn't disqualify him until after the race is because the results from the text only came back afterwards.

温斯顿·丘吉尔和托马斯·爱迪生比较接近,但是他们也喜欢午睡,这也许会剥夺其成为真正短睡者的资格。Winston Churchill and Thomas Edison came close but they were also fond of taking naps, which may disqualify them as true short sleepers.

你不必在“过于简单”或“简单化”的前提取消发行版,因为这样的前提是不存在的。You do not have to disqualify distros on the premises of being "too simple" or "dumbed down" simply because such propositions are untrue.