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工具设备,堆垛机的小麦。Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat.

工具制造者,小麦收割者。Tool maker, stacker of wheat.

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卡片分类机中的一种接卡箱。A card stacker in card sorter.

全电动堆高机小型起重机械的一种。Full Electric Stacker small lifting kind.

港口集装箱堆高机是起重机的一种。Port Container Stacker is a kind of crane.

全电动堆高机是小型起重机械的一种。Full Electric Stacker is a small lifting kind.

上下移动送卡箱或接卡箱。To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward.

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港口集装箱堆高机是港口起重机的一种。Port Container Stacker is a kind of port cranes.

堆垛机的单片机控制系统研究。Study on the stacker control system based on mcu.

全电动堆高机是起重机械的一种。Full Electric Stacker machine is a kind of lifting.

根据客户要求可配置双出口堆垛机。As per customers request, it can be equipped with two-outlet stacker.

安装程序在您的计算机上探测到堆栈器磁盘压缩版4。1。Setup has detected stacker disk compression version4.1on your computer.

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本文主要介绍了斗轮堆取料机中的运输皮带机。This paper presents a bucket Stacker and feeder in the transport belt machine.

但是在堆垛式的车库里的一辆经典汽车已经有37个年头,而另外一辆有22年头了。But one of the classic cars on the garage stacker is 37 years old, and the other 22 years old.

发挥各级吨,在古典或堆垛机的模式,并创建您自己与易于使用的益智编辑器!Play tons of levels in Classic or Stacker Mode and create your own with the easy to use puzzle editor!

神经学家大卫·依格曼和10岁的奥斯汀比赛,奥斯汀·纳伯尔是叠杯子冠军的世界纪录保持者。Neuroscientist David Eagleman competed with 10-year-old Austin Naber – a world record-holding, champion cup stacker.

根据组配集成装置,可与纸箱装箱机、卧式包装机、给袋式包装机等连接。Use of the optional stacker allows connection of a carton feeder, horizontal wrapper, pouch filler of other equipment.

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带式输送机是斗轮堆取料机中重要环节,在其它方面也广泛应用。Belt conveying systems is expected bucket Stacker and an important link in the machine, in other areas also widely used.

使斗轮机的在启动和正常的作业过程中,可以实现自动寻找煤堆,进行堆煤、取煤作业。When the bucket wheel stacker and reclaimer is starting or working, it can find the coal and stack or reclaim automatically.

本文对码垛机进行了总体设计、主运动系统设计和控制系统设计。This article has carried on the system design, the host kinematic scheme design and the control system design to the stacker.