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常规滑行艇的耐波性能很差。Seakeeping capability of conventional planing hull is poor.

计算结果表明,该模型具有良好的工程使用价值,对船舶耐波性和操纵性研究有指导意义。The results show that the model has good engineering value, the ship seakeeping and maneuverability study guide.

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高速排水型艇如果采用深V型,可望获得良好的耐波性。The better seakeeping qualities may be expected, if deep-Vee hull form is adopted for high speed displacement vessels.

对新研发的4千吨级深V单体复合船型模型在拖曳水池进行了静水阻力及耐波性试验。In this paper, the resistance and seakeeping test results about a new type 4000t deep-V hybrid monohull were presented.

提出了一种新的基于随机衰减信号的谱分析方法以用于船模耐波性能分析。A new spectral analysis method based on random decrement signature was presented for ship seakeeping performance analysis.

创建了一个基于优化平台概念的船舶耐波性模糊优化系统。Based on the concept of optimizing platform, a fuzzy optimization system for seakeeping performance of ship is created in this paper.

拖曳水池中非规则长峰波的试验模拟质量将直接影响到船舶和海洋结构物耐波性试验研究的准确性。The accuracy of the ship model seakeeping tests is greatly dependent on the quality of the long-crested irregular waves generated in the test lab.

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在二销联接形式中航速和销位的变化对推船耐波性能的影响也进行了初步探讨。For the hinged connection, a preliminary study of the effects of speeds and hinge pin locations on the seakeeping qualities of the pusher was made.

如何评价一艘船舶、特别是一个新的船舶设计是否具有良好的耐波性已成为船舶研究及设计人员需要去研究和解决的一个重要课题。It is a significant task of researchers and designers to evaluate a ship, especially a new ship design, which possesses excellent seakeeping or not.

和传统船型相比,SWATH具有更多的优势,特别由于其优良的耐波性,目前已被大多数有造船及海洋探测优势的国家广泛采用。Especially because of its excellent seakeeping performance, SWATH has been accepted by some countries accomplished in shipbuilding and ocean exploration.

与武器发射过程密切相关的舰船耐波性特征量的研究是陆基武器移植上舰的关键。The key of army weapon's transplanting on ship is to study seakeeping characteristics of a ship related closely with the procedure of weapon's launching.

最后,通过在舰船耐波性优选中的成功应用,表明该算法有助于提高舰船在高海情条件下的安全和作业效率。Successful application in seakeeping optimal selection shows that this algorithm is helpful for improving ship safety and operation efficiency in rough sea.

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应用表明,海上补给航向航速优选对于航向比较敏感,而对航速则有一个较宽的选择范围。The conclusion about seakeeping optimum selection for replenishment is drawn that sea- keeping is sensitive to course, but has a wider range of velocity to select.

本文在利用已有的耐波性理论预报研究成果的基础上,开展了船舶耐波性综合评价方法及其应用的研究工作。This paper embarks the research of the comprehensive evaluation method of seakeeping and its application, utilizing the fruit of the academic prediction of seakeeping.

本文计算分析了浅吃水船的阻力、推进性能、适航性、操纵性及综合经济性后,给出了供方案探讨时选择主尺度方案的简便图谱。In this paper the resistance, propulsive performance, seakeeping quality, manoeuvrability and economical criterion of a shallow draught vessel are calculated and analysed.

造波机是船模耐波性水池主要的实验设备,其波浪模拟性能对船模耐波性试验具有很大影响。The wavemaker is one of the most important facilities in the ship_model seakeeping basin, and its capability of wave simulation has an effect on the testing of wave seakeeping.

海洋环境是船舶与海洋结构物实海域性能预报的基础,实海域性能预报的顺利进行离不开大量可靠的风、波浪数据资料。The marine environment is the basis for the seakeeping performance prediction of ship and marine structures at real sea, which requires a large number of reliable data of wind and wave.

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由于二维半方法的计算效率较高,故特别适合于高航速下船舶的耐波性和波浪载荷预报。Because 2. 5D theory has a relatively higher computation efficiency, it will have a wide application to prediction of seakeeping properties and wave loads of high-speed displacement ship.

通过两船耐波性特征量的比较研究,说明当船的耐波性较好时,该船就比较适宜于陆基武器的移植。Through the comparison between two ship's seakeeping characteristics, it is illustrated that the ship is better for army weapons' transplanting when the ship's seakeeping feature is good.

文中介绍了试验特点、模型和相似条件、波浪测试及分析、数据采集与处理、耐波性标准、试验步骤和结果及其经济性等等。The test features, model similarity, measurement and analysis of wave, acquisition and processing of data, seakeeping criterion, test procedures and economical analysis are given in detail.