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技术犯规。Technical foul.

这是一个技术活。This is a technical job.

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技术控制室。The Technical Control room.

他在工业学校上学。He attends a technical school.

其技术术语是VO2-max。The technical term is VO2-max.

技术指导小组的设置。Technical Steering Group setup.

一个技术犯规给科比布莱恩特!A technical foul to Kobe Bryant!

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从简单的技术上说是不需要的。So short technical answer is no.

项目的技术主管。Technical leader of the project.

这本书太专业了,我看不懂。The book is too technical for me.

对我来说,这本书太专业了。This book is too technical for me.

达到技术纯度要求的铝锭.Aluminium bars of technical purity.

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制作一些技术文件。Make some technical documentations.

所有这些都属于“技术债务”。All of these amount to Technical Debt.

梅威瑟玩的是技术和防守。Mayweather is technical and defensive.

有没有适合称呼他们的术语What's a good technical term for them?

我愿意做一个技术型的用户吗?Would I like to become more technical?

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听雨技术小组原创作品!Machines technical team original works!

Stiles表示,部分抛售是受技术性因素影响.Stiles said some selling was technical.

从技术层面说来这是很野蛮的That's barbaric in the technical sense.