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所以羽田国际机场成了东京的主要机场。Now Haneda is becoming Tokyo's major airport.

晚上6时你将在东京羽田机场下机。You'll land in Haneda Airport, Tokyo at six in the evening.

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这点在羽田机场更加显得重要。That's particularly important at the Haneda airport station.

另一条直接通向羽田机场的地铁线也只是几步之遥。Another subway leading to Haneda Airport is also only a brief walk away.

该剧以东京国际机场,通称羽田机场为舞台。The play to Tokyo international airport, general term for stage haneda airport.

在东京羽田机场,滞留旅客在地板上休息。Stranded travelers rest on the floor at the Haneda International Airport in Tokyo.

这点在羽田机场更加显得重要。The smile affects overall service.” That’s particularly important at the Haneda airport station.

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不含折旧费用,收支盈利的机场有羽田、伊丹、新千岁等10家机场。Excluding depreciation costs, profit payments Haneda airport, Itami, New Chitose Airport, etc. 10.

金浦机场现主要供国内航班使用,除飞往东京羽田机场的航班除外。Gimpo Airport is used primarily for domestic flights, in addition to Tokyo Haneda Airport, except flights.

在日本发生大地震后,东京羽田国际机场旅客们在地板上休息。Travelers rest on a floor at the Haneda International airport in Tokyo, after the massive earthquake in Japan.

北京、上海、广州三大枢纽机场,与日本成田、羽田机场距离很近。Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, three major hub airports, with Japan's Narita and Haneda airports in close proximity.

国航还分别取消了一趟上海至东京成田机场、两趟北京至成田机场及羽田机场的航班。It canceled a flight from Shanghai to Tokyo's Narita Airport and two flights from Beijing to Narita and Tokyo's Haneda Airport.

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日本东京羽田机场,中国使馆工作人员打出欢迎奥运圣火的横幅和旗帜。Chinese embassy staffs hold a welcome banner and flags as the Olympic torch flame arrives at Haneda Airport in Tokyo Friday morning, April 25, 2008.

该机场目前有两个国际航班与“城市之间”的服务中心东京羽田机场开始的2007年9月29日。Theairport presently has two international flights with "city-to-city"service to central Tokyo's Haneda Airport which started on September29th 2007.

杨说,中国东方航空公司波音777预计在周一晚8时降落于东京羽田机场。Yang said the China Eastern Airlines aircraft, a Boeing 777-200, was scheduled to touch down at Tokyo Haneda International Airport at about 8 pm Monday.

美国各航空企业纷纷希望赶在今年10月东京羽田机场扩建之前,充分抢占日航的航空网络以增强它们在日本航空业的影响力。The US airlines are keen to exploit JAL's huge Asian network and strengthen their presence in Japan ahead of the expansion of Haneda airport in Tokyo in October.

这个首都城市甚至变得更容易得到了一些国际航班也被转移到旷野的相对便利,但是羽田机场。The capital city is even becoming easier to get to now that some international flights are being transferred from the wilderness of Narita to the relative convenience of Haneda airport.