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用中火炸至芋丸呈金黄色即可。Fry the taro balls into golden ones.

而我最喜欢的就是秘制芋头茎酿鸭肉。My favorite is the taro stem and duck.

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你们的芋头被人拔掉了。Your taro has been pulled up by someone.

香芋冰淇淋是紫色的,比较特别。Purple taro ice cream is, rather special.

香芋扣肉,炝油菜心,米饭,小米粥。Taro cream pork , fried rape, rice, millet congee.

烧开一锅水,将西米用水清洗一下,入滚水锅中。Bring 400ml water to boil and add in the taro and sago.

芋头切成小粒,入蒸锅蒸20分钟至熟。Dice the taro and steam for about 20 minutes until cooked.

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荔芋蒸腍压烂,与椰汁拌匀煮滚。Steam the taro then mash it. Mix with coconut milk and boil.

芋头是太平洋群岛普遍食用的热带植物。Taro is a tropical plant used widely in the Pacific Islands.

首先,蒸熟芋头,像马铃薯一样捣碎,其次,加调配料并将原料酿入豆腐泡中。First, steam the taro and mash it up like you would a potato.

这其实是瑚太朗的小小冒险心在作怪。This is actually a little adventure coral Taro heart trouble.

全面性芋头顶部打印庆祝“卢奥一词的由来。”Allover taro top print celebrates the origin of the word "luau."

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我低头看了看自己在芋头地里的脚趾,冻僵,沾满泥巴。I look down at my toes in the cool, black mud of the taro patch.

她流泪了,提起篮子将自己要来的生芋头全部倒进了锅里。She shed tears, taro basket to come to life poured into the pot.

Taro买了一张到东京西部青木原的单程票。Taro bought a one-way ticket to the forest, west of Tokyo, Japan.

随后我把森木津太郎家嘅电话地址都抄俾咗佢。Then I put Taro Mori Kizu home phone addresses are copied to him.

茎尖苗抗逆性强,芋疫病和芋软腐病发病程度较轻。The case of leaf blight of taro and soft rot of taro was slighter.

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这年,我们用紫色块茎中的芋头,南瓜豆腐泡。This year, we used the purplish tuber in taro and pumpkin tofu puffs.

芋是世界上最古老的作物之一,中国是芋的起源地之一。As a crop, taro has a history that is one of the longest in the world.

老爷爷经常去看望太郎,但由于意外事故,老爷爷去世了。The grandpa went to visit Taro often, but later he died in an accident.