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在你出家门之前在身上涂一层厚厚的防晒霜。Slather yourself with sunscreen before you leave home.

他们是否要在出门前涂抹大量除臭剂呢?Do you just slather on some extra deodorant as you head out the door?

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抗衰老已不再只是简单往干燥皮肤上擦面霜了。It’s no longer enough to simply slather some creamy concoction on dry skin.

我们会用它厚厚地涂在每一跺墙和每一块天花板上,以致使我们停不下来。We would slather every wall and every ceiling with the stuff. There would be no stopping us.

但是,你为什么仍然将大量和化妆品和护肤品涂在你脸上呢?So why do you still choose to slather chemical-filled makeup and skincare products on your face?

好吧,我希望它不会,只要我把自己遮盖起来,涂上厚厚的欧莱雅SPF50防晒霜,并且躲开中午的太阳。Well, no, I hope it won't, so long as I cover up, slather on the SPF50 and avoid the midday sun.

传统化石能源的大量使用引发了日益严峻的环境和社会问题。The slather of traditional energy resources brings us lots of austere environment and social problems.

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用全麦吐司面包,涂上奶油杏仁或花生酱,然后洒上亚麻籽。Toast whole wheat bread, slather with almond butter or peanut butter, and then sprinkle flaxseeds on top.

将希腊酸奶的全麦烤华夫饼干涂上冷冻与美味的蓝莓。Slather Greek yogurt on whole-wheat frozen toaster waffles and top with blueberries for a delicious twist.

你只需要保证自己坐在阳光下,涂上足够的防晒霜。Just make sure if you’re sitting around in the sun, lightening your hair that you slather on the sunscreen!

在你出发之前至少20分钟就涂抹防晒霜,因为你的皮肤需要一定的时间去吸收它。Slather on your sunscreen at least 20 minutes before you head out for your run. Your skin needs time to absorb the lotion.

每到这时候,我就和姐妹们坐在桌子的一旁,相互传递苹果酱,在热烘烘的面包上抹上一层。By now, my sisters have joined me at one end of the table where we pass the apple butter to each other to slather on the warm bread.

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它有着铜色的岩石和深绿色的水,并且习惯看到那些多血症的人们走进温泉,将自己涂满厚厚的泥。It has copper-coloured rocks and deep green water and habitués to the plethora of walk-in springs slather themselves with sulphurous mud.

能源的大量使用,特别是传统化石燃料的燃烧,引发和加速了许多环境问题的出现。The slather using of the energy, especially the traditional energy resources, bring and accelerate the appearance of many environmental problems.

我们大多数人每天都要涂大量的乳液,但是我们并不知道什么会通过皮肤的屏障,吸收进我们的身体。Most of us slather on oceans of lotions every day, but we don't think about what might be passing the skin barrier and being absorbed into our bodies.

我们大大都人天天都要涂大量的乳液,可是我们并不知道什么会通过皮肤的樊篱,接收进我们的身体。Most of us slather on oceans of lotions every day, but we don't think about what might be passing the skin barrier and being absorbed into our bodies.

在平日晚上,你可能洗脸并用保湿剂。但是,稍微奢侈一点将大有帮助。在脸上用保湿面膜。On a normal night, you likely wash your face and slather on moisturizer. But a little indulgence will go a long way. Treat your skin to a hydrating mask.

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混几滴红色的食用色素到白色的糖衣里,糖衣就会变成粉红色,在每个蛋糕上厚厚地涂上一层,再在上面放一颗M&M豆,然后漂亮地摆放在盘子里。Stir a few drops of red food coloring into white icing, which will turn it pink. Slather icing onto the cupcakes, top each with an M&M, and present them nicely on a platter.

无论你是小口喝,或是局部的大量涂抹,还是将其作为补充成分,绿茶在皮肤护理中都起着重要的作用。Whether you sip it, slather it on topically, or take it in supplement form, green tea is a powerhouse ingredient in skin care. Here are three benefits of green tea you may not have known about.