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测试还是调试?Test or debug?

调试程序。Debug your program.

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本人就是设计可调试稳压电源。I was designed to debug power supply.

这将会断开您的调试会话。This will disconnect your debug session.

生成的调试信息的数量。Amount of debug information to be generated.

根据调试信息来汇编程序Compiling the program with debug information

该开关设置调试端口的波特率。This switch sets baudrate of the debug port.

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侦错正在远端电脑上执行的处理序。Debug a process running on a remote computer.

此操作应当会打开调试配置。This should bring up the Debug configuration.

这个模式适合应用程序调试。This mode is useful to debug your application.

在车间调试和试运行特殊工位。Debug and try out special stations in workshop.

我们将使用这个应用程序作为调试目标。We will use this application as the debug target.

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然后,您可以编辑、编译和调试您的项目。You can then edit, compile, and debug your project.

在侦错时死结可能会是个特别难处理的问题。Deadlocks can be a particularly hard problem to debug.

记录消息内容,供调试或审核时使用。Log the message contents for debug or auditing purposes.

这个标志会将更多的调试信息输出到日志中。This flag prints additional debug information to the log.

具备实际操作PCBA手工焊接和电路诊断经验,为首要优先条件。Hands-on experience PCBA soldering and debug as first plus.

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利用西门子3118手机,进行了实验和调试。Making use of SIEMMES's phone-3118 to experiment and debug.

完成了控制系统软硬件的联调。And debug all the hardware circuit of the controlling system.

您是否需要进行调试并找到这些问题的来源呢?Do you need to debug and find the root cause of those issues?