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难道你从来没有想过你父母是从哪里学会这些东西的?“”Did yeh never wonder where yer parents learned it all?

如果你没有吃完你的肉,你就不能有任何的布丁。If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding.

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你怎么有呢,如果有一些布丁而不先吃掉肉的话?How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?

宗教这玩意儿全是骗人的鬼话,汤姆。This yer religion is all a mess of lying trumpery, Tom.

小子,投降而已!你正在把事情搞得更糟。Lad, Just surrender! Yer only makin' things worse fer us!

小伙子,投降吧!你只是让事情变得更糟!Lad, just surrender! Yer only makin' things worse for us!

揭掉帽子,让我看看发样。Take yer hat off and let’s have a sight at the looks of it.

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祝福你们,我想中国会为探索宇宙做出更大的贡献。Good on yer. Your country will contribute a lot to space travel I think.

你在战斗中擅离职守!要是俺们这是在矮人军队里,你会为这罪行被吊死的!Ye abandon'd yer post in battle! If we wer in tha dwarven army, ye'd be hang'd fer that crime!

“但是至少你应该知道关于你爸爸妈妈的事情。”他说,“我的意思是,他们那么出名,你也是。”"But yeh must know about yer mom and dad, " he said. "I mean, they're famous. You're famous. "

没啥。现在试试检查俺们队伍中的其他人,你会发现没有一个是邪恶的。Yer welcome. Now, try scannin' tha rest o' the party, an' ye'll see tha not none o' us are Evil.

“这会儿我们去买你的校服吧,”海格说,向着摩金夫人长袍专卖店点了点头。"Might as well get yer uniform, " said Hagrid, nodding toward Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

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总有一天,你们会因为偶然抢劫一个16级战士而遭到屠杀。One a' these days, yer just gonna end up trying ta rob like a level 16 fighter by accident and get massacred.