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加一勺油在锅加热。Heat up wok with 1 tbsp oil.

用1汤匙盐放入黄瓜段里撮匀。Rub cucumber slices with 1 tbsp salt.

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将剩余的一个蛋黄打散,加入2大勺清水,搅拌均匀。Break the yolk, add 2 tbsp water, mix well.

两汤匙酸奶酪放在威化饼上。Spread 2 tbsp. of the yogurt on the waffle.

用2汤匙油将鸡扒煎至金黄熟透,上碟。Pan-fry chicken steaks in 2 tbsp oil until done.

用2汤匙油将牛仔骨煎熟,取出待用。Pan-fry beef ribs in 2 tbsp oil until done. Set aside.

以平底锅烧热2汤匙水,煮沸后调至小火。Heat 2 tbsp water in frying pan until boiling, turn to Iow-heat.

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下糖、盐及1汤匙生粉水略腌带子。Marinate the scallops with sugar, salt and 1 tbsp cornflour water.

鸡蛋加生粉2汤匙拌匀成浓糊状,加入鸡块拦匀。Blend egg with 2 tbsp of mungbean flour. Add in chicken and mix well.

用3大勺香蒜和意大利面条与一号肉汤熬成面汤。Italian Stir 3 Tbsp pesto and 1 c cooked pasta into the finished soup.

用2汤匙油慢火将鸡翼煎至金黄香透。Pan-fry chicken wings in 2 tbsp oil over low heat until golden yellow.

用2汤匙熏肉熬出的油炒洋葱,炒至透明即可铲起。Saute onion in 2 Tbsp. of bacon fat until transparent, drain and cool.

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在炒菜锅中热3茶匙油,并简单炒下猪肉。Heat 3 tbsp of the oil in a wok, and stir-fry the pork briefly. Remove.

碗里把鸡蛋和一茶匙水均匀搅打一起。In a small bowl beat egg and 1 tbsp water. Glaze croissants with egg wash.

然后再加入2汤匙亚麻籽和12片按树叶,放置浸泡1小时。Add 2 tbsp of linseed and 12 eucalyptus leaves and leave for about an hour.

将两汤匙面膜涂在脸和脖子上,用环形向上的运动按摩。Massage 2 tbsp of the mask onto face and neck using circular upward motions.

烧热平底镬或中式镬,下油1汤匙,放下苹果炒片刻,盛起。Heat up 1 tbsp of oil in frying pan or wok. Stir-fry apple for a while. Dish.

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用滚刀法将茄子切成件,拌入1汤匙油后,隔水蒸5分钟至微软身。Chop the eggplant into pieces, toss well with 1 tbsp oil. Steam for 5 minutes.

烧1汤匙油,爆香醮汁内之�茸,加糖及鱼露拌匀。Heat 1 tbsp oil, saute chopped spring onion, add sugar and fish sauce to taste.

这时,倒入番茄酱,番茄以及2勺水,继续搅拌把番茄弄碎。Tip in tomato purèe, tomatoes and 2 tbsp water, then stir to break up tomatoes.