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谢谢你,爵士队。Thank you, Jazz.

你喜欢爵士乐吗?Do you like jazz?

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他热中于爵士乐。He is hipped on jazz.

这是一个爵士乐团。It was a jazz orchestra.

这是狂噪的时代。This is the age of jazz.

为何不为我们跳支爵士舞呢?Why not dance a jazz for us?

我特别喜欢听爵士乐。I love listening to Jazz music.

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你最好加快马达的运转。You'd better jazz up the motor.

他是位举世无双的爵士乐演奏者。He is unequaled, as a jazz player.

杰克热衷于骑自行车和听爵士音乐。Jack is great on cycling and jazz.

我刚开始听爵士乐。I've just started listening to jazz.

我喜欢爵士乐和歌剧,还有嘻哈音乐。I love jazz and opera. And also hip-hop.

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比莉哈乐黛是我最喜欢的爵士歌手。Billie Holiday is my favorite jazz singer.

现在我的日程安排里排满了与爵士乐相关的活动。My schedule now is still filled with jazz.

是哦,举例来说,我很欣赏爵士音乐。Yes. I appreciate jazz music, for example.

拉格泰姆音乐也影响了爵士乐的形成。Ragtime also influenced the creation of jazz.

在伦敦,有很多爵士乐演出的场所。There're a lot of jazz venues around in London

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美国爵士乐的中心在哪里Where's the heart and soul of jazz in America?

爵士平均每场106分,但是今天他们只拿到69分!The Jazz avg 106 pts a gam and they scored 69 !

有没有想过犹他的队伍怎么会叫爵士队?Ever wonder why Utahâ s team is called the Jazz?