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常伴发脑下垂体巨人症。It is often associated with pituitary gigantism.

有一种现象被称为深海巨型化。There is a phenomenon known as deep-sea gigantism.

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她的巨人症是由脑垂体肿瘤引起的。Her gigantism is due to a tumor in her pituitary gland.

与它的本身相比较,这款新车的特点是重量轻、空间大。Compared to its predecessors, the new car is characterized by its lightness and gigantism in space.

这种不容置疑的巨人症使观众被浸没在媒体和图像的世界之中。The implacable proof of gigantism invites viewers to immerse themselves in the world of the media and its images.

生长激素分泌性肿瘤多见于男性,可以出现肢端肥大症和巨人症。GH secreting tumors, which are more common in men, may present with acromegaly in adults and gigantism in children.

然而,这个兽足类巨大化理论最有力的支持,却来自对霸王龙身世的了解。The strongest support for this theory of theropod gigantism comes from what is known about the rise of T. rex, however.

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自两亿多年前的侏儸纪之初,体型巨大就是陆生动物的普遍特点。Gigantism has been a common feature of land animals since the beginning of the Jurassic period, more than 200 million years ago.

然而,有证据显示克隆中会出现流产,畸形胎和巨人症等现象,因此克隆技术引发了严肃的道德及福利问题。However, the technology throws up serious ethical and welfare questions, with evidence of miscarriages, deformities and gigantism.

如果我们想更进一步弄清楚导致须鲸体型巨大的缘由的话,我们还需那些尚未被发掘或还原出得化石来佐证。If we want to understand the factors that led to gigantism in baleen whales, we'll need to look at fossils yet to be discovered or described.

在生长发育期的儿童,过多的生长激素可导致称为巨人症的疾病,表现为身材异常高大,同时伴有过度骨生长。In children who are still growing, too much growth hormone can cause a condition called gigantism that leads to an abnormal increase in height as well as excess bone growth.

这个来自巴西萨利诺波利斯市的少女,因为脑下垂体上长着一个肿瘤而患上巨人症。医生已经割掉了这个肿瘤。The youngster, from Salinopolis in Brazil, has a form of gigantism because of a tumour on her pituitary gland, which regulates growth. Doctors have since removed the tumour.

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迄今为止,还没出现任何与克隆有关的食品安全问题。然而,有证据显示克隆中会出现流产,畸形胎和巨人症等现象,因此克隆技术引发了严肃的道德及福利问题。To date, no food safety risks have been linked to cloning. However, the technology throws up serious ethical and welfare questions, with evidence of miscarriages, deformities and gigantism.

患者易受感染,易受伤,易患其它代谢性疾病,故其寿命短于正常人。治疗包括手术切除脑下垂体或行放射治疗。巨人症常伴随肢端肥大症的情况。Greater susceptibility to infection, injury , and metabolic disorders shortens the life span. Surgery or radiation can be employed to curtail further growth. Gigantism often occurs with acromegaly.